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Izzy, as seen in Mistport

Izzy is one of the deuteragonists in the main story of Monumenta. He is a member of the player's crew alongside Levyn, Indigo, and Samwell. He appears in A Crew to Remember, Voyage of Discovery, Raiding Party, The Wizard's Apprentice, Xenophobia, The Foreign Solider, An Unlikely Partnership, Bleeding Proof, Unmasked, Here There be Dragons, Borrowed Time, Unraveled and Sporetal Combat. He also appears in the Masquerader's Ruin strike during the boss fight.


Player (Captain)
Levyn (Crewmate)
Indigo (Captain)
Samwell (Former crewmate)
Billam (Former crewmate)
Vargos (Ally)
Calder (Enemy)


Izzy was a pirate in the King's Valley, but his ship crashed, leaving him and his crew stranded. A member of his crew named Billam got desperate and started to cannibalize the crew until Izzy was the only one left, but the player found Izzy just in time and saved him. It turned out that the player had come to save Izzy because their friend Levyn was putting together a new crew of pirates and needed a navigator, so Izzy joined the crew alongside the player, Indigo, and Samwell.

With Izzy as navigator, Levyn as lookout, Samwell as quartermaster and Indigo as captain, the crew set sail to the Celsian Isles through the Seagate in Lowtide once they got permission to cross through it. Eventually, the crew ended up in the waters of Mistport, where Captain Xeno found them and threatened them for entering his territory. In the end, it turned out that the crew was welcome in Mistport, and that the attack from Xeno was a misunderstanding.

The crew needed to prove themselves to the town in order to be accepted by all of its residents, so they agreed to join a raid on some old Viridian outposts with Captain Lamis. Izzy went with Samwell to Skull Island, where they helped the player find treasure.

At some point, Vargos sent his apprentice Soran to Mistport to help the player and their crew. However, Izzy went to check on Soran, and found him dead. Izzy had the player investigate the room, and by doing so they found evidence that Captain Xeno had hired assassins from Alnera and Nightroost to frame the Celsian governments as the ones responsible for the assassination. Izzy then asked the player to investigate Xeno's ship, on which they found a strange crystal that showed them a vision of Xeno talking to a member of the Masked, proving that Xeno was working with Calder. Izzy contacted Vargos and requested that he come to the Isles.

Soon after, Izzy learned from the player that Samwell had decided to leave their crew to instead join Xeno's crew. This annoyed Izzy, but he still showed the player the strange crystal from Xeno's ship, which was now functioning as intended. It teleported the pair to Xeno's hideout, in which they found Xeno's plans to meet with the Masked member again. The crew travelled to Xeno's meeting place, where they met the Masked saboteur again and defeated them. Xeno pleaded for their mercy, but then Calder revealed his presence in the room and killed Xeno for trying to abandon him. He then prepared to kill the player and their crew, but they were luckily teleported out by Vargos just in the nick of time. With Xeno dead, the player became the captain of Mistport.

Now that the player was the captain of Mistport, Izzy and Vargos encouraged them to do research on why the Celsian nations were at war, and to choose one to side with. To gather even more information, the player held a meeting in Mistport between the two nations, which Izzy attended.

Izzy came up with a theory that the reason the Celsian Congress was destroyed was because Calder set it up to make the Celsian nations hate one another and go to war. He went to the ruined Congress to find evidence for this alongside the player. There, they found an assassin who had been hired to kill a survivor, and slew the assassin. They also found a tunnel leading far away from the Congress, presumably created by the survivor that the assassin was after. Following the footsteps of this survivor led them to Wispervale, where a fountain spirit resided. This fountain spirit had the power to change someone's appearance, and this power had been used by the survivor. The player was able to upgrade the device they were using to track the survivor, and continued to follow their trail until they found Professor Lyson in the Wispervale academy. Lyson admitted via a vision with Wilhelm and Torren that he was the survivor. Izzy, Lyson, and the player all headed to the Alnera palace to meet with Pharoah Nasha Ka as organized by Torren, but Lyson was decapitated by a guard at the end of the meeting. Izzy and the player returned to Mistport, defeated.

After Royal Advisor Ridnan was captured by the player for working with Calder, he escaped and Izzy was part of the team that tried to stop his escape. It was no good however, as he had been broken out by Samwell who was now a member of the Masked, and Samwell killed Ridnan for sharing vital information with Vargos and the player.

After the Teal Spirit was released in the Echoes of Oblivion by Calder, Izzy was tasked by the Mage Council to investigate the City of Bones in the northwest ocean as they had detected Teal-related magic in the area. He brought Indigo, Levyn, the player and a new crewmate called Clarence along. The crew found a tunnel at the heart of the City of Bones, filled with traps. Levyn warned Clarence that the traps would be dangerous and that the player should check for them since they were an experienced adventurer, but Clarence ignored him and died in a trap. Past the traps, the team found the Sealed Remorse, and Izzy found a large bone with interesting carvings and translations written upon it which he dubbed the Rosetta Bone. Using the Rosetta Bone, Izzy learned about the existence of the Blackflame Dragons, and that the entire City of Bones was made from their bones. He asked the player to find more bone carvings in the city above, which they did. With these bones, Izzy was able to learn more about the truth of the Sealed Remorse, and figured out how to craft a key for entry.

Izzy was part of the team in Mistport who was trying to figure out how to deal with the Teal Spirit, and he was among those who were shocked by the player's sudden reveal of major information.

Izzy moved to the Architect's Ring alongside Levyn and Bhairavi after the player arrived there, and one of his first tasks in the region was to help the player reclaim the Blue Wool from the Masked. At the end of the Masquerader's Ruin, the group found Samwell, who was using the Blue Wool to make himself invincible. Using mysterious scraps dropped by other members of the Masked, the group crafted three daggers to take down Samwell's barrier and finally kill him.

Izzy attended the funeral of Primirium Conquort, which was interrupted by an Abello who needed help dealing with the Godspore.


Izzy is also a Merchant inside the Sealed Remorse Lobby. He sells several Sealed Remorse items, including the Scrap of Void, which grants entry into the Eternal Vigil.


Item 1 Item 2 Traded Item
6 Hyper Crystalline Shard 24 Shard of Remorse Scrap of Void
Shard of Remorse 6 Compressed Crystalline Shard Dragonbone Marrow
Shard of Remorse 6 Compressed Crystalline Shard Dragonrage Brew
2 Hyper Crystalline Shard 4 Shard of Remorse Blackflame Emblem