Mirrored Egos

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Fetch a book for Luc and learn more about the Frost Moon Knights


[Luc] Beautiful, isn't she?

[Truly marvelous.]

[Luc] Isn't it clear? Who else cuts through the darkness? Who is that shimmering beacon of truth, guiding us all through a black realm? Who is that bead of light in the oil of the night sky? Surely, you must know.

[No idea buddy.]

[Are you talking about the moon?]

[Luc] The moon? Yes, some would call her that. But isn't she so much more? Illuminating our sleepy town, you can see her in even the slightest glimmer of fresh snow. That glint on both the distance mountain peaks and the icy streets we walk. Chillwind is but a monument to her beauty!

[Who are you again?]

[Luc] I am Luc. I'm a professor of light magic at our fine academy. Truly the most incredible of the arcane arts. Theatrical but refined! Stunning but practical! One can find absolute power in harnessing her light.

[Absolute power?]

[Luc] Yes. My research indicates that the light of the moon is quite a magical thing. Entire religious orders have formed around her power. Do you know of the Frost Moon Knights?

[I don't think so.]

[They have been causing problems for the local authorities.]

[Luc] Perhaps, but one is more than their worst actions. You cannot be a student of the light without doing proper research! They are a mysterious people that create great monuments in the mountains. I believe I have a book detailing what we know of their history in my family home in the city. My younger sister, Belladonna, should know about it, please bring me that book.

[Will do.]

Speak to Belladonna about the book Luc requested


Coordinates: -1720, 135, -77

She practically ignores you, lost in a book...

[Are you Belladonna?]

[Belladonna] Well excuse me, who said you could burst into my home and interrupt my studies?

[Your brother Luc sent me. He's looking for a book on the Frost Moon Knights.]

[Belladonna] Oh this book right here? What could he possibly want out of this? His self-righteous light magic could never unlock the moon's dark secrets. How he got a job at the academy is beyond me. I just pray I don't have to take his class next semester...

[Oh, you're a student of the academy?]

[Belladonna] Duh. I'm staying at home while the dorms are closed. But I'm twice the mage my brother is. His research into light has nothing on my command over the shadows.

[You study black magic?]

[Belladonna] Oh come on, it's 840. I'm a tenebrist. But yes, you could say I have an affinity towards the darker arts. In fact, I believe I've discovered the location of an artifact that'll show Luc the true power of darkness. I've practically memorized this book anyways, and you look like you've done your fair share of raiding. How about you do a short little favor for me and I'll give Luc the book. It's not like he'd be able to figure it out anyways.

[Sure, seems easy enough.]

[Belladonna] The Grim Towers are a nearby stronghold of the Frost Moon Knights. The book talks about rumors of a magic relic hidden as close to the moon as possible. It's got to be there. If you find anything, bring it back here and we can make the trade.

1/2 - Fetch the magic relic hiding within The Grim Towers

2/2 - Once you find the magic relic return to Belladonna with it


[Belladonna] Back already?

[I found this black ice, it must be what you wanted.]

[Belladonna] Incredible. It actually exists. Next time Luc shows up, he'll see what true magic is. Anyways, here's his book. Just because I'm a tenebrist doesn't mean I'm evil.

Head back to Luc and give him the book Belladonna gave you


[Luc] Ah! You've returned. Please tell me you've got the book!

[Yeah, here you go. But that's not all I found. Belladonna had the book and-]

[Luc] Oh, don't worry about her. She's just a kid, the complex mysticism of the moon is beyond her. Now where was that passage...

[Luc, I found a-]

[Luc] Yes! Here! The Frost Moon Knights also found beauty in the moon. They refer to her as Alutana, goddess of the light. Not only the shimmering body in the sky, but a winged form of pure energy. How marvelous! Imagine the sight! Imagine her magic! I almost feel as if I know her personally, I can practically see her wonder. Oh! Yes! I do know her beauty! A statue rests on the coast to the northeast of here. It must be in her divine image, standing tall with wings and a crown of shining ice.

[Should I go check it out?]

[Luc] Ha. As if a novice could unlock her secrets. I'll be investigating later, but feel free to bask in her image. It's not like you'll even appreciate it.

You decide to check it out

Seek out the statue of Alutana and discover its secrets

Solve the puzzle and retrieve the ice and book.

Return to Luc with the book you found at the statue of Alutana


[Luc] I told you, I'll visit Alutana's shrine later. Pay her homage if you must.

[I went to the statue. It's definitely connected to the Frost Moon Knights. Look, I found this book and-]

[Luc] You what? Give me that.

Luc rips the book from your hand.

[You could have just asked.]

[Luc] Oh my. Alutana... A young girl finds great power over the light... Now a goddess... Radiant beauty, but at a cost... Blinded all who laid eyes on her... Sealed away in the darkness... The Palace of Mirrors...

[Palace of Mirrors?]

[Luc] Shush! You dare interrupt this? My years of research have paid off. I know exactly where to find Alutana's power. I have no more use for you. This is beyond your capabilities.

Maybe you should tell Belladonna about this...

Luc is acting strange, Belladonna might be able to help


[Belladonna] What, did Luc run out of errands for you?

[I think he found something big, but he refuses to talk about it.]

[Belladonna] Oh please, his ego is probably getting the better of him.

[He was muttering something about Alutana and the Palace of Mirrors.]

[Belladonna] The Palace of Mirrors? I know exactly where he is headed. Inside the Whitecliffe Citadel, the main fortress of the Frost Moon Knights, there is rumored to be a portal to a mystic realm of darkness. I bet he's after it. He'll get himself killed, his light magic is no match for their power. What else do you know?

[I found another magic artifact. It seems to be just like the one you have.]

[Belladonna] This is more serious than I thought. My brother will get himself killed if we don't act fast. Give me the Fullmoon Ice and meet me at the portal inside of Whitecliffe. I'll need the power of that artifact to make it through there.

Belladonna takes the artifact and begins preparing for the trip

[Belladonna] What are you waiting for? Meet me at the portal inside of Whitecliffe Citadel. It's rumored to be a large mirror deep inside the mountain.

Head to the Palace of Mirrors

[Belladonna] <Player>! I'm glad you made it in time, I'm just about to show my brother who the better mage is!

[Player] I thought you were trying to save Luc!

[Luc] Please. I don't need saving! Belladonna will never match my arcane capabilities.

[Belladonna] Oh yeah? Wait until you see this. Thanks <Player>, I couldn't have gotten here without you. Luc! Check this out.

Belladonna takes out the ice. Both begin to glow in her hands.

[Luc] What is that!


[Luc] Bell!


[Belladonna] They're gone... The power I could have held...

[Luc] Do you realize how reckless that was? You could have gotten us both killed!

[Belladonna] It's not like you were the team player in this! All I wanted to do was prove to you that you aren't the only one in the family that can do great things!

[Luc] Bell... I'm sorry.

[Belladonna] Luc, lets just go home. <Player> is clearly more powerful than both of us. 

[Luc] You're right. <Player>! Take this. It'll serve you well on your journey. 


Awarded a Light Gray Key, Freezeflame, and access to the Light Gray Dungeon Teleporter!