Specimen Results

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Specimen Results is given to the player at the start of Nelfine's Curse


Design 1
Configuration 1

The device seems fully operable now. Took some time, but it was well worth it in the end. Once a configuration is set, it can produce a viable sample with which the subject can be exposed. Unfortunately, it seems there was no conclusive result in this test. It will take some effort, but I think with time, this may actually work.

Design 1
Configuration 2

Still no conclusive result. The test subject continues to spout nonsense and then just randomly forget that she was ever brought into this facility.

Design 2
Configuration 1

It took some work, but I have redirected the centrifugal coil to a different section of the functioning apparatus. The device is far more responsive now, although this initial configuration seems to have failed. I have strong feelings that this will produce far greater results.

Design 2
Configuration 2

At last, some results. It wasn't much, but the subject has recalled a name, Arian. Unfortunately, immediate data does not show any results for this name. I will have to send this over to the others and see if they know anything more.

Design 2
Configuration 3

More results today, a location. "Chillwind Tundra", her birthplace. The device is getting more effective with each use, as the subject grows more accustomed to the particular wavelengths it emits. I am merely one or two configurations away from finding the answers we seek.

Design 2
Configuration 4

Dammit all. How did this configuration cause her to lose everything again? It is almost identical to the previous version. I am losing valuable time. He expects answers soon.

Design 3
Configuration 1

Okay, I think I found the issues with the previous design. A few tweaks and everything should now be stabilized. Unfortunately I have yet to actually test this configuration. She somehow almost escaped today, so he bound my lab and her prison to a teleporting spell and the damn thing moved while I was out. They won't even tell me where, either. Instead I get a stupid riddle to figure out.

To the west a city near

And eastward, hallowed waters clear

To the south there's naught of worth

But north you find the shrine of earth.

How am I supposed to find my lab with this? I don't have time.