Blightblood Falchion

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"The metal itself seems to have been deeply corrupted by gore left in Sirius' wake."

The Blightblood Falchion is a rare sword found within the Architect's Ring.

Obtainment Method(s)

  • Can be purchased from Sirius' rare trader, found near his arena in the east of Star Point, for 4 Starblight Fragments.
  • Can be obtained by transmogrifying two masterworkable rare items at the Architect's Ring Transmogrifier in Galengarde.
  • Can be won from the Treasure Wheel in the Seasonal Pass Hub, accessed from Sierhaven.

Masterworking Details

Like many other items in the Architect's Ring, this item can be masterworked to increase its power level further. The below table shows it stats at each Masterwork level, and what is needed to reach that level. Levels with no statistics shown are levels which cannot be obtained on the given item.

Masterwork Level Ethereal Bleeding Unbreaking Atk. DMG Base Atk. SPD Base Thorns Damage Cost
★★★☆ 1 2 1 18.5 1.2 +6 Base Masterwork Level
★★★★ 1 2 1 19 1.2 +6 4 Hyperchromatic Archos Rings, 2 Starblight Fragments

Tips and Trivia

  • The Ethereal level on this sword, coupled with Bleeding letting it weaken and slow strong enemies at lower health, allows the wielder to play much more aggressively if they combine this item with high Agility items and, ideally, at least one additional level of Ethereal, as hits taken in quick succession will be significantly dampened by the resulting Agility bonus.

Sirius, The Final Herald

Starblight Fragment ● Glistering Starblood


Blightblood FalchionSupernova MattockSpatial RiftCrown of the Lost BeyondBlightpod CarapaceStarhungry CoriaceusLunacrest SolleretBlighted Bugle

Scion of Stars ● Teliko Theama ● Starmetal Knucklebones ● Lordtomb Fragment ● Imprint of the Beyond ● Starstrike Emblem ● Blightseeker's Boon ● Totem of the Tombstone

Bottled Font of Tuulen ● Final Herald's Lifeblood ● Lunacrestum Pulsar

Radiant Starblight