Starmetal Knucklebones

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The Starmetal Knucklebones are a rare charm found within the Architect's Ring.

Obtainment Method(s)

Starmetal Knucklebones can be purchased from Sirius' rare trader, found near his arena in the east of Star Point, for 2 Starblight Fragments and 6 Glistering Starblood.

Functional Information

Like all charms, the Starmetal Knucklebones cannot be masterworked, even though they are of the Rare tier.

When worn, they substantially increase the range and damage of a Warrior's Shield Bash ability at the cost of reducing the time it stuns enemies for.

Sirius, The Final Herald

Starblight Fragment ● Glistering Starblood


Blightblood FalchionSupernova MattockSpatial RiftCrown of the Lost BeyondBlightpod CarapaceStarhungry CoriaceusLunacrest SolleretBlighted Bugle

Scion of Stars ● Teliko Theama ● Starmetal Knucklebones ● Lordtomb Fragment ● Imprint of the Beyond ● Starstrike Emblem ● Blightseeker's Boon ● Totem of the Tombstone

Bottled Font of Tuulen ● Final Herald's Lifeblood ● Lunacrestum Pulsar

Radiant Starblight