Item Infusions

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The Infusion Altar GUI. The Trident has no infusions and gives a choice of which to add, while the other items have been infused before and give the option to upgrade their level.


Infusions are a type of enchantment that players can use to customize their gear. In contrast to regular enchantments, which are on an item by default and cannot be changed, infusions are enchantments that can be added and removed from items at any time, at certain NPCs throughout the world.

Like enchantments, infusion levels stack if you have them on multiple items.

There are 3 main types of infusions; basic infusions, delve infusions, and boss infusions. There are other miscellaneous infusions that can be applied to items as well. You can only have up to one basic infusion and delve infusion on an item, but you can have as many boss and miscellaneous infusions as you want.

Infusion Type Location Materials Needed Examples
Basic Infusions Infusion Altars, found in each region ItemTexturePulsating Gold.pngItemTexturePulsating Emerald.pngItemTexturePulsating Diamond.png Pulsating Materials and Experience Levels Vigor, Tenacity
Delve Infusions Infusatron, found in Breachpoint ItemTextureVoidstained Geode.pngItemTextureSeason's Wrath.png Voidstained Geodes, Delve Materials, and Experience Levels Choler, Understanding
Boss Infusions Various NPCs, found in various locations ItemTextureShard of the Mantle.pngItemTextureHyperexperience.png Boss Materials and Currency Hope, Colossal
Miscellanous Infusions Varies and may be limited-time Varies Locked, Festive

Basic Infusions

Main article: Basic Infusions

Basic infusions are infusions added and removed at Infusion Altars. Each region has one Infusion Altar, found in Ta'Eldim, Mistport, and Galengarde.

There are six basic infusions to choose from: Vitality, Tenacity, Vigor, Focus, Perspacicity, and Acumen, and each item can only have one of these infusions at a time. Each goes up to 4 levels, so you can have a total of 24 basic infusion levels active at a time from your four armor pieces, offhand, and mainhand.

Basic infusions cost experience levels and pulsating materials to add, with the cost growing with further levels. The specific type of pulsating material depends on what region the infused item is from. Basic infusions can be refunded to get 75% of the experience back and all of the materials.

Delve Infusions

Main article: Delve Infusions

Delve infusions are infusions added and removed at the Infusatron in Breachpoint [-721, 10, -176] or Celestial Zenith lobby [92, 16, -1388].

There are many delve infusions available, one for each delve material obtainable in the game. Like basic infusions, an item can only have one delve infusion at a time, and it can go up to 4 levels. Unlike basic infusions, where you can have up to 24 levels in the same infusion, for delve infusions, you can only have up to level 4 of a single delve infusion at a time.

Delve infusions cost experience levels, ItemTextureVoidstained Geode.png Voidstained Geodes or Indigo Blightdust, and delve materials to add, with the cost growing with further levels. The specific delve material needed depends on what delve infusion you are adding. Delve infusions can also be refunded to get 75% of the experience back and all of the materials.

Boss Infusions

Boss infusions are special infusions that are only obtained by defeating world bosses. For each world boss, there is an NPC that can infuse your items with a infusion unique to that boss.

Infusion Location Cost Effect
Hope Mastersmith Antonio at [1172, 137, -130] in Highwatch ItemTextureHyperexperience.png Hyperexperience
9 ItemTextureShard of the Mantle.png Shards of the Mantle
This item receives 1 less level of shatter from void and lava deaths.
Colossal Alric, Lord of the Chilled Winds under the Eldrask arena ItemTextureHyper Crystalline Shard.png Hyper Crystalline Shards
ItemTextureTitanic Knowledge.png Titanic Knowledge
This item has a 50% chance not to lose durability. Stacks with Unbreaking.
Phylactery Pharaoh Tyro Syl at [399, 35, 831] in Alnera ItemTextureHyper Crystalline Shard.png Hyper Crystalline Shards
ItemTextureAncestral Effigy.png Ancestral Effigies
If you died with more than 100 experience points, (10% * level) of your XP is saved in your grave on death and can be recollected. Additionally, keep (5% * level) of the duration of potion effects upon dying.
Revelation Namtar [225, 37, 974] near the Sirius Arena ItemTextureHyperchromatic Archos Ring.png Hyperchromatic Archos Rings
File:ItemTextureGlistering Starblood.png Glistering Starblood
Items infused with Revelation increase the level of any Delve Infusion on the item by one level.

Miscellaneous Infusions

Miscellaneous infusions are infusions that do not fit any of the other categories, and include quality-of-life enchantments such as Locked, or cosmetic enchantments such as Festive or Gilded.

Infusion Location Cost Effect
Locked Black Willows Lobby HXP Prevent this item from being swapped by a lockbox. Does not display the name of the user who Locked it.
Gilded Weekly raffle winner reward for voting Monumenta server on several websites. Claim by using /claimraffle None While equipped, the player gain an aura of gold particles. While dropped, your item gains similar particles. Additional items increase your particles, capped at 10.
Festive (Winter event only) Joyis in Sierhaven (-858, 101, 61) 10 Cryospheres While equipped, the player gain an aura of festive particles that improve with every additional item.
Clucking Usually applied by another player, generally unwillingly 1 Jar of Clucks Players will occasionally hear clucking. Being splashed with a will apply this enchantment to a random held or equipped item. Can be removed by the Master of Clucks after completing Clucked Up quest. Marked in red, like a curse. (This is technically considered an enchantment in the code, but behaves like an infusion, except for being cleared on weekly restart.)
Stat Track Sierhaven Tracker in the Town Hall None; Patron status required Items will track one statistic chosen by the player, which can be Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Times Consumed, and more.
Shatter Survival mode zones Death Each item worn or held in either hand will cause the player to take 4% more damage and deal 4% less damage per level. (This is considered an infusion in the code.)