King's Valley Timeline

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Date Terms

AV - "Anno Voyage". 1 AV is the year in which the Narsens arrived in King's Valley. [1]
OW - "Old World". Is used for the years before 1 AV. [1]

An indeterminate long time ago

This section is for events that happened a very long time ago.
(??) The monument is reformed in the valley containing the 6 wools. [7]

  • (??) The order of mages get their hands on the light blue wool. [8]
  • (??) The order of alchemists steal the light blue wool and both orders end up in a time bubble. [8]

An indeterminate less long time ago

This section is a potential section for events that happened long ago, but happened after all the previous events.
(??) The Aurians break out of the time bubble and start heading to Xanatull. [9] (Word of God has this happening around 30 OW)

  • (??) The Aphelions leave Xanatull due to Aurora's excessive sacrifices and land at Aphelion Isle. [10]
  • (??) Aurora calls down Andromeda on Aphelion Isle. Shortly after a badly wounded Aphellion takes a shard of Andromeda. [11][12]
  • (??) Aurora takes a shard from Andromeda, creates a tomb, and leaves the valley. [12][13]

The Tlaxan Era

This section is for the era of the Tlaxan.
(51 OW) King Johannes I was born. [1]
(9 OW) King Johannes II was born. [1]
(7 OW) Queen Petra was born. [1]
(?? OW) Lead by King Johannes I, the Narsen Empire flees from the Abeliar Dominion. [1][2][3]

The Arrival of the Narsen Empire (1 AV)

This section is for events that happen after the Arrival of the Narsen Empire.
(1 AV) The Narsen Empire arrives in King's Valley. [1]
(12 AV) King Fluospar is born. [1]
(17 AV) Queen Isadora is born. [1]
(20 AV) King Johannes I dies and King Johannes II is crowned. [1]
(39 AV) Johannes II dies and Queen Petra is crowned. [1]
(?? AV) Nyr is created as an outpost. [1]
(51 AV) King Richard is born. [1]
(51 AV) Queen Petra dies and King Fluospar is crowned. [1]
(52 AV) King Johannes III is born. [1]

The Blackroot War (59 AV)

This section is for the events of the Blackroot War.
(59 AV) King Fluospar is assassinated by C'Shuara and Queen Isadora is crowned. [1]
(59 AV) Queen Isadora starts the Blackroot war in retaliation. [1]

Post Blackroot War (64 AV)

This section is for the events after the Blackroot War.
(~64 AV) The Blackroot war ends with the surrendering of the Tlaxan people. [1]
(?? AV) Queen Isadora founds the mage council. [1]
(66 AV) Farr is founded. [1]
(70 AV) Highwatch is founded. [1]
(75 AV) Queen Isadora abdicates and King Richard is crowned. [1]
(85 AV) Sons of the Forest assault Farr. [1][6]
(85 AV) During the assault on Farr the Crimson Wool is destroyed destroying most of Farr, killing the mage Callum, and releasing the Crimson King. [5]
(89 AV) Queen Isadora dies. [1]
(92 AV) King Petrus II is born.[1]
(96 AV) King Richard dies and King Johannes III is crowned King. [1]
(?? AV) Lowtide is founded as a fishing village. [1]
(103 AV) Vargos is appointed to the High Council of Mages by his brother Valgus the Archmage. [2]
(110 AV) An ancient spell brought over with the Narsens is deciphered and used to break a barrier revealing the Monument. [2]
(110 AV) Calder betrays the Mage Council killing many, including the Archmage Valgus. [1]
(??? AV) Calder enter the Veils from the Black Willows area and takes the black wool. [4]
(??? AV) Calder escapes the valley. [2]
(114 AV) King Johannes III died. Allegedly due to the stress of Calder's Betrayal. [1]
(114 AV) King Petrus II is crowned King.[1]

Arrival of the Player (~115 AV)

This section is for the events after the player arrives in the valley.
The player arrives in the valley in the year 115. [1]
The player sort of dies to the masked man and sort of signs a contract with the crimson king. [5]


Rough citations of where dates and positions and events are sourced from.
[1] - Hawkin the Royal Archivist in Sierhaven Castle.
[2] - Mage's Legacy.
[3] - King set. King's Crown, King's Warden, King's Greaves, King's Sabatons, King's Dolabra.
[4] - Black Willows lore items.
[5] - A Study in Crimson Part One.
[6] - Farr Memorial
[7] - Replica Crimson Wool
[8] - Arcane Rivalry
[9] - Xanatull
[10] - Island
[11] - Lost
[12] - Into Thin Air
[13] - Departure (Book)