The Wolfswood

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The Wolfswood is the northernmost area in the Architect's Ring. Its entrance is the city of Galengarde at [Missing] and is the first major area that the player will encounter throughout their journey in the Ring.

Point of Interest Info

The delve material for this region of the Architect's Ring is the ItemTextureFenian Flower.png Fenian Flower. A comprehensive list of all Point of Interest rares for this region can be found below.

Vibrant Hollow
Chanterelle Village
Amanita Colony
Locum Vernantia
Bewitched Dominion
Coven Fortress
Shadowcast Bastille

Bounty Rare Info

Bounty Rares are a special type of rare that can be purchased from Galengarde's local bounty official, found up the first set of stairs from where The Seanchaidh is located in the main large tree. The following items can all be bought with 12 ItemTextureGodtree Carving.png Godtree Carvings and 4 ItemTextureHyperchromatic Archos Ring.png HAR.

Epic Trader(s)

  • Sen Sennit can be accessed by entering the local pipes at [-553, 65, -489].
After entering the pipes initially, turn south once you're able to until reaching an opening which drops you down slightly. From here, go further south, past the initial crossroads, then turn to the west at your next opportunity. This should place you, after a short swim, into a room with a large amount of mossy cobblestone and azalea plants. From here, follow the winding path up to the wolf statue at the end of the room. Sen Sennit will always be standing next to it.

Epics Trader Name Price Coordinates
ItemTextureFecund Berry Basket.png Fecund Berry Basket Sen Sennit 1 ItemTextureFecund Berry.png Fecund Berry + 48 ItemTextureFenian Flower.png Fenian Flowers [-553, 65, -489]
File:ItemTextureHarrakfar's Roar.png Harrakfar's Roar 16 ItemTextureHyperchromatic Archos Ring.png HAR + 48 ItemTextureFenian Flower.png Fenian Flowers
ItemTextureNihilo Core.png Nihilo Core 1 ItemTextureKeter Core.png Keter Core + 48 ItemTextureFenian Flower.png Fenian Flowers


7 Quests can be completed within The Wolfswood. A list of these can be found in the table below.

Quest Name



  • None


There are a total of 6 Shrines within The Wolfswood. A list of these, as well as their coordinates, buff, and cost, can be found in the table below. All boons share a 4-hour duration, and a cap of 3 that can be created per day.

Shrine Name


Buff Granted


[-618, 64, -408]

Deal 20% more damage on the first hit to a mob, however your Healing is reduced by 10%.

[-279, 83, -486]

-5% Skill Cooldowns.

[-260, 43, -366]

Gain 15% Damage for 3 seconds after taking Magic or Projectile damage.

[-391, 96, -315]

Every 5 melee hits, gain a random Combos effect (at Common level) from Darkest Depths.

[-339, 89, -719]

Gain 10% Healing

[-430, 65, -549]

Cleanses the current boon.
