Season Pass

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Just a reminder that in order to earn credit for completed weekly missions, you need to open the seasonal pass GUI that same week before the update in order for the claim process to happen and give you rewards. (note 8/24 this might not be true anymore? there was an update before the Fishing Pass that changed some stuff, I believe this was one of them, needs testing)

The Seasonal Pass is based around weekly missions and the Seasonal Pass Room.

The Seasonal Pass Room is reached by the button on a colorful wheel across from the quest giver in Sierhaven square. The townhall corner.

Coordinates: [-750, 108, 33]

Once in the Seasonal Pass Room there are three npcs and two giant wheels.

The left wheel outlined in logs is the "Treasure Wheel". It is spun by consuming one Treasure Wheel Token, which you get as a reward throughout the seasonal pass. The rewards you can get from the Treasure Wheel are shown on the board to the right of the wheel.

The right wheel outlined in lime/green terracotta is the "Relic Wheel". It is spun by consuming one Relic Wheel Token, which you get as a reward throughout the season pass. The rewards you can get are season pass artifacts.

Across from the Treasure Wheel is the trader "Seasonal Manager". Talking the to seasonal manager gives the option of an explanation of seasonal pass or to see a gui that shows your current progress, rewards, claim rewards, and the week missions. You can also trade with the Seasonal Manager to buy a "Seasonal Pass Trinket" that allows you to see the same gui wherever as long as you have the trinket. Lastly you can trade 3 Wheel Core Fragments for an artifact.

Across from the Relic Wheel is the trader "Seasonal Skin Manager" where you can trade Certain gear or items and one Metamorphosis Token, gained like the wheel tokens, to get a Sketched Skin version of that gear or item.

The last npc is on the second floor which you can reach via the stairs next to the Seasonal Skin Manager.

This npc is "Cosmetics Manager". Talking to the npc allows you to open a gui to see what titles and elite finishers you have unlocked and to be able to change what title or elite finisher you have. Like the Seasonal Manager you can trade with the Cosmetics Manager to get a "Personal Cosmetic Interface" that allows you to access the same gui, but with the token.

Current Pass: Season Pass/Desert Pass (September 29nd, 2023 - December 22nd, 2023)

Previous Passes:
Season Pass/Fishing Pass (June 30th, 2023 - September 22nd, 2023)
Season Pass/Artistry Pass (March 30th, 2023 - June 23rd, 2023)
Season Pass/Medieval Pass (January 6th, 2023 - March 30th, 2023)
Season Pass/Holiday Pass (Oct, 14th, 2022 - January 6th, 2023)
Season Pass/Pool Party Pass (July 22nd, 2022 - Oct 14th, 2022)
Season Pass/Anniversary Pass (Apr, 28th - July, 22nd 2022)
Blackroot Pass (Jan, 27th 2022 - Apr, 28th 2022)

NOTE: To get every reward (except the complete every mission reward) you only need to complete about 8 weeks of missions and then either the 75 MP or 100 MP mission for the 9th week.


Ocean's Gate
Blackroot Branch
Highwatch Pike
Steel Apparatus
Chillwind Overcoat
Ishnir's Moon
Ekah's Anger
Hrimnir's Frosted Eye
Robes of the Secret Sun
Thunder and Tempest
Aether Threads
Roots of Life
Ravenous Haze
Eschar Dreamcatcher


Need pages for Sketched items, only SOTE exists currently

Corrupted Jeweled Tiara
Warded Vestment
Desert Explorer
Sword of the Exiled
Failure of the Void
Bark of the Gateway Tree
Harmony's End
Threadwarped Tkaa
Crimson Contract
Titan Spear
Perfect Crystallizer

Weekly Missions

Mission Layout:

50 MP

75 MP

100 MP

Week 6 Missions

Complete 1 dungeon in the King's Valley.

Defeat Eldrask or Hekawt.

Clear 2 strikes in the Architect's Ring with 5 or more delve points.

Week 5 Missions

Clear The Black Mist or Masquerader's Ruin.

Complete Plagueroot Temple or Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs.

Complete 4 Dungeons, Strikes, or Bosses in the King's Valley.

Week 4 Missions

Break 100 spawners in POIs.

Defeat 2 Bosses.

Complete a dungeon with Infernal 1, Spectral 1, Dreadful 1, and Colossal 1.

Week 3 Missions

Defeat Kaul or Godspore.

Complete a wool dungeon with a rotating delve modifier active.

Complete 3 Dungeons, Strikes, or bosses in the Celsian Isles.

Week 2 Missions

Complete 2 daily bounties.

Break 200 spawners.

Clear 3 Strikes in the King's Valley.

Week 1 Missions

Complete 25 rounds of any Gallery of Fear map.

Clear 3 Strikes.

Complete Vernal Nightmare or The Grasp of Avarice with Twisted 4.


Level MP Rewards
Level 1 75MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 2 150MP Metamorphosis Token
Level 3 225MP Player Title: "Mummy"
Level 4 300MP Elite Finisher: "Entomb"
Level 5 375MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 6 450MP Player Title: "Undying"
Level 7 525MP Dummy: "Revived Remnants"
Level 8 600MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 9 675MP Player Title: "Wanderer"
Level 10 750MP Yellow Shulker Box
Level 11 825MP Metamorphosis Token
Level 12 900MP Relic Wheel Token
Level 13 975MP Player Title: "Tomb Raider"
Level 14 1050MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 15 1125MP Metamorphosis Token
Level 16 1200MP Elite Finisher: "Locust Swarm"
Level 17 1275MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 18 1350MP Metamorphosis Token
Level 19 1425MP Player Title: "Desolate"
Level 20 1500MP Dummy: "Ghalkor, The Forgemaster"
Level 21 1575MP Treasure Wheel Token
Level 22 1650MP Player Title: "Lich"
Level 23 1725MP Elite Finisher: "False Lich"
Level 24 1800MP Relic Wheel Token
Level 25 1875MP Plot Border: "Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs"
Tryhard 2700MP Player Title: "Tryhard"