List of Charm Traders

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This is a list of known charm sellers & traders in the Architect's Ring.

Alchemist Charm NPCs

  • Elantia, Aradia Potionmaster - Located South-West of Coven Fortress, underneath a pond with bridges and a wooden pagoda. [-621 58 -267]
    • Sells charms for Brutal Alchemy, Energizing Elixir, Unstable Amalgam, Alchemical Artillery
  • ???, Shade Alchemist - Located West of Sticks and Stones Casino, in the courtyard of the large square building. [-395 174 141]
    • Sells charms for Bezoar, Iron Tincture, Empowering Odor, Gruesome Alchemy
  • Jasek, Coven Wanderer - Located in a cave under a rock formation just east of Celestial Rampart. [164 162 982]
    • Sells charms for Taboo, Esoteric Enhancements, Scorched Earth, Transmutation Ring, Warding Remedy, Panacea

Cleric Charm NPCs

  • Ryker of the Silver Order - Located in a building with a burned farm directly past the North wall of Silvic Quarry. [-559 152 -186]
    • Sells charms for Divine Justice, Sanctified Armour and Hand of Light
  • Landrey, Silver Cleric - Located at the Boon of Knightly Prayers shrine, directly East of Forsaken Manor. [-422, 179, 226]
    • Sells charms for Celestial Blessing, Heavenly Boon, Illuminate, Cleansing Rain
  • Eckoun, Preacher of Heavens - Located west of the bridge connecting Celestial Rampart and Starbound Sanctuary next to a large soul fire torch. [27 214 1082]
    • Sells charms for Luminous Infusion, Choir Bells, Holy Javelin, Hallowed Beam, Thurible Procession, Enchanted Prayer

Mage Charm NPCs

  • Arlow, Fen Arcanist - Located North-East of Coven Fortress, inside at the top a building with a dark prismarine roof. [-480 118 -499]
    • Sells charms for Mana Lance, Thunder Step, Prismatic Shield, Frost Nova
  • Iliati, Silver Collector - Located on the third floor of the Eastern-most tower of Arx Spirensis. [-343 56 -57]
    • Sells charms for Magma Shield, Elemental Arrows, Arcane Strike, Spellshock
  • Simeone, Displaced Warpmage - Located South of Starbound Sanctuary on the southern cliffs below, in a small ruined tower. [40 126 1441]
    • Sells charms for Elemental Spirits, Blizzard, Starfall, Cosmic Moonblade, Astral Omen

Rogue Charm NPCs

  • Markus, Silver Swordsman - Has two locations. Located next to a diorite sword statue East of Chanterelle Village and South of Shadowcast Bastille [-167 100 -355]. If you have entered Sanguine Halls and finished his dialog at the sword shrine, Markus moves to the building directly East of the New Antium teleport hub [-433 179 -68].
    • Sells charms for Advancing Shadows, By My Blade, Dodging, Skirmisher
  • Raffati, Eastern Pilgrim - Located almost directly outside the entrance of Arx Spirensis. [-481 71 54]
    • Sells charms for Dagger Throw, Smokescreen, Escape Death, Vicious Combos
  • Shimmer, Silent Bladelord - Located on the ruined aqueduct East of the bridge connecting Celestial Rampart and Starbound Sanctuary. [141 198 1208]
    • Sells charms for Blade Dance, Wind Walk, Deadly Ronde, Bodkin Blitz, Cloak and Dagger, Coup de Grace

Scout Charm NPCs

  • Louitte, Dichen Watchman - Located in a deepslate tower directly south of the Boon of Silver Scales shrine. [-241 93 -481]
    • Sells charms for Swiftness, Sharpshooter, Volley
  • Tarly, Ashkii Scout - Located at the top of the wooden tower just outside of Forsaken Manor and Doomed Encampment. [-469 193 93]
    • Sells charms for Swift Cuts, Eagle Eye, Wind Bomb, Hunting Companion
  • Mariask, Lunacrest Scout - Located west and below the bridge connecting Celestial Rampart and Starbound Sanctuary, outside of a small church on the western cliffs near a green tent. [-24 86 1079]
    • Sells charms for Tactical Maneuver, Whirling Blade, Quickdraw, Split Arrow, Pinning Shot, Predator Strike

Shaman Charm NPCs

  • Mylasi - Located in the attic of a building in the small village just south-east of Coven Fortress. [-509 107 -274]
    • Sells charm for Cleansing Totem, Lightning Totem, Totemic Projection, Earthen Tremor
  • Quintus, Elevator Shade - Located at the top of the tower next to the Pelias' Keep elevator that goes down to Arx Spirensis. [-306 197 182]
    • Sells charms for Flame Totem, Chain Lightning, Interconnected Havoc, Crystalline Combos
  • X'etra, Totemic Rambler - Located east and below the bridge connecting Celestial Rampart and Starbound Sanctuary, in a small, very badly damaged building covered in crystals. [101 169 1083]
    • Sells charms for Sanctuary, Whirlwind Totem, Chain Healing Wave, Desecrating Shot, Decayed Totem, Devastation

Warlock Charm NPCs

  • Taindail, Starbound - Located on the big bridge south of Pelias' Keep, right next to the Grace of Star Communion shrine. [-412 177 511]
    • Sells charms for Amplifying Hex, Choleric Flames, Phlegmatic Resolve, Soul Rend
  • Partienne, Blood Ritualist - Located West of Coven Fortress, in the red-tainted Witch Huts. [-612 82 -346]
    • Sells charms for Melancholic Lament, Grasping Claws, Sanguine Harvest, Cursed Wound
  • Jq, Gorecaster - Located in the caves west of the Subterus Bell Tower, tucked away in a ruined building with red plants inside of it. [76 68 836]
    • Sells charms for Judgement Chain, Dark Pact, Voodoo Bonds, Withering Gaze, Haunting Shades, Restless Souls

Warrior Charm NPCs

  • Elgart, Shade Hunter - Located at the Boon of Knightly Prayers shrine, directly East of Forsaken Manor. [-422, 179, 226]
    • Sells charms for Frenzy, Counter Strike, Brute Force
  • Morel, Mycelian Conkat - Located at the Crystalline Blessing shrine in the crystal caves, East of the Godspore entrance. [-257 43 -366]
    • Sells charms for Shield Bash, Defensive Line, Riposte
  • Mersewys, Rootway Excavator - Located ontop of the walls on the western face of The Tolumaeus, on the tower north of the big archway. [273 102 715]
    • Sells charms for Shield Wall, Bodyguard, Challenge, Rampage, Glorious Battle, Meteor Slam

Other Charm Traders

  • Hollard, Dichen Archeologist (-284, 37, -534) - Overworld Rare Charm upgrades
    • Sells charms for Bloodborne Locket, Petrified Sap, Eroded Sconce, Regenerative Spores, Bewitched Eye, Royal Jewel, Specialist Bauble, Spark Panel, Blazing Shard, Explosive Component
  • Miroku (-481, 38, -815) - Beginner Class Charms, from "A Charming Proposition" Quest

Epic Charm Traders

  • Sen Sennit (-548, 68, -297). He is located in a series of underwater tunnels. You can enter one of them at [-496 90 -398]. Sen Sennit sells Wolfswood epic charms.
  • Ageratina (-541, 96, -381) - Entrance: -538, 109, -375 (break stained glass). Ageratina sells Coven's Gambit epic charms.
  • Septillian (-518, 49, -71) - Requires Brown Wool completion. Go to Arx Spirensis, enter the giant tunnel blocked by gravel, and go left of the staircase. You will find another small tunnel, also blocked by gravel. Septillian sells Cradle of the Broken God epic charms.
  • Elder Yuti Abello (-261 58 -440) - Located in the underground Abello Village visited during Sporetal Combat. Elder Yuti Abello sells Godspore epic charms.