Dungeon Delves

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Dungeon delves are optional, harder versions of certain Dungeons in Monumenta. When creating a delve instance of a dungeon, players select modifiers which make mobs stronger and grant them powerful abilities. In return, epic materials can be found in chests in increasing numbers based on the number of depth points the selected modifiers are worth, and these materials can be used for delve epics and delve infusions

Once a player has unlocked delves for a certain dungeon, speaking to a golem in that dungeon's lobby with the respective dungeon key will grant the option to begin the dungeon as a normal instance or open the delve customization interface. After selecting their desired modifiers, clicking the observer at the top right of the menu will start the delve.

Unlocking Delves

Delves are unlocked for wool dungeons when the player has completed the Monument of the corresponding region. Some dungeons have special requirements to unlock them:

Challenge Modifiers

Upon choosing the delve option at the lobby golem, a two page interface will open for the player. Here they can choose which modifiers are in play and at what levels they are. The arrow is used to switch between the two pages. The bottom layer of items list the names of the modifiers and their description. Above each modifier is either red or orange stained glass, red meaning unselected and orange meaning selected. Each modifier except Fragile has multiple ranks, increasing the difficulty while also increasing the number of "Depth Points" for the delve. The barrier on the first page will deactivate all modifiers, whilst the golden apple on the second page will max out all modifiers. The soulfire lantern on the top left of the pages will give the player information on loot scaling and mob stat multipliers. These multipliers will increase with the number of Depth Points selected. A minimum of five points are required to begin a delve.

Modifier Description Ranks Effect
Arcanic Enemies gain magical abilities. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 6/12/18/24/30% chance to be Arcanic.

- Enemies deal +50% Ability Damage.

- All abilities will deal extra damage, regardless of whether it's from the base mob or from the mob being Arcanic.

- Arcanic mobs will gain one of the following abilities:

  • The mob will stop and create a path of critical hit particles from itself to a player (ending on the player or on a block it hits). After two seconds, the mob will roar and quickly charge along the path, dealing heavy damage and disabling shields if a player is hit.
  • The mob will glow for a second and fire a slow purple projectile. This projectile homes in on the player, emitting a humming sound the closer it is, damage the player or disabling the shield if blocked on hit. It will dissipate upon hitting a player or a block.
  • The mob will glow for a second and fire a cyan orb at a player. This orb will fly in a straight line until hitting a player or block, making a sparkling sound effect. It deals damage and disables shields when blocked.
  • The mob will become extremely slow and a snowball sound effect will be played around it. After a few seconds, players in the mob's radius will be damaged and slowed.
Infernal Enemies gain fiery abilities. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 6/12/18/24/30% chance to be Infernal.

- Players take +40/80/120/160/200% Burning Damage and +20/40/80/60/100% Environmental Damage.

-Players will take a large increase in damage from fire ticks. They will also receive extra damage from environmental damage (suffocation, fall damage, tnt, etc.)

-Infernal mobs will gain one of the following abilities:

  • The mob will glow for half a second before launching a homing fire projectile. It will curve towards the target and explode on impact with a player or block. If a player is hit, they will take a lot of damage and be lit on fire.
  • The mob will leave a trail of lava particles as it moves. The trail will ignite and damage players when stepped on.
  • The mob will stop moving and a ring of fire will form in a 6 block radius around it. Over 3 seconds, the ring will close into the mob. All players within a 6 block radius around the mob when the ring fully closes in will take damage and be lit on fire.
  • The mob will throw ignited TNT through the air towards a player. The TNT will explode shortly after, damaging all nearby players and setting them ablaze.
Transcendent Elites become greatly empowered. Rank 1/2/3/4/5

- Elites have a 10/20/30/40/50% chance to be Transcendent.

-When an elite mob is spawned, there's a chance it will be Transcendent. These mobs have special abilities depending on the variation given:
  • The mob has the ability to lunge upwards and towards the player from several blocks away. They also have a double slash attack that hits players in front of them. Occasionally, they will dash out of the way when attacked, completely nullifying the damage. They will always dodge projectiles.
  • The mob can shoot fast purple homing bolts that have a white particle trail. These bolts damage the player and push them slightly back and a bit upwards on contact. The elite will shoot one of these projectiles every second towards a player in sight.
  • The mob will act normal for a while. Once it drops below half health, it'll let out a shriek that duplicates all nearby mobs (except for itself). Killing it before the effect triggering will NOT prevent this.
Spectral Dying enemies transform into new enemies. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Dying Enemies have a 7/14/21/28/35% chance to spawn Specters.

-When an enemy is killed(regardless of method), it has a chance to spawn a Specter if outside of water, or a Leviathan if underwater. There are three Specters and two Leviathans:
  • Specter of Silence: An invisible skeleton with a head, smoke particles, and a scythe. It has 50% knockback resistance and has the Teleport Behind ability.
  • Specter of Fury: An invisible pillager with a head, smoke particles, and a crossbow.
  • Specter of Ignorance: An invisible evoker with a head and smoke particles. It will occasionally glow for a second before firing a slow blue flame projectile that goes through walls towards a player. It is unable to summon vexes or teeth, and does not actively run away from players like a normal evoker.
  • Leviathan of Silence: A drowned with a scythe. It has the Teleport Behind ability.
  • Leviathan of Fury: A trident drowned.

-The above Specters and Leviathans are all immune to being stunned.

Dreadful Dying elites transform into new enemies. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Dying Elites have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to spawn Dreadnaughts.

-When an elite mob is killed outside of water (regardless of method), it has a chance to spawn a Dreadnaught. If killed inside water, it has a chance to spawn a Leviathan instead. There are three Dreadnaughts and one Leviathan:
  • Dreadnaught of Sorrow: A slow hostile enderman. It leaves a trail of damaging purple particles that despawn after a long period or once the Dreadnaught is killed. It will also splash some sort of damaging potion on death.
  • Dreadnaught of Doom: An invisible zombie with smoke particles for a head, netherite armor, and an Erebus axe. It has the Strong Charge ability and is highly resistant to arrows.
  • Dreadnaught of Subjugation: A ravager being ridden by a pillager of a similar look to the Specter of Fury from the Spectral modifier. Being shot by the pillager will knock the player towards the ravager if it is still alive.
  • Leviathan:

-All Dreadnaughts can spawn Dreadlings, which are fast, silent spiders. They spawn in groups of three and only spawn after the Dreadnaught reaches 66%, 33%, and 0% HP. Dealing enough damage to reach the next summoning threshold will overwrite the previous summons. If the Dreadnaught is alive, the knockback from a Dreadling's attack will knock the player towards it. They are also immune to being stunned. If the threshold is reached while the dreadnaught/leviathan is in water, it will instead summon turtle Dreadlings, which function the same besides the fact they are turtles.

Colossal Broken spawners unleash enemies Rank 1/2/3:

- Broken Spawners have a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to spawn Colossi.

- When a spawner is broken (regardless of method), there's a chance it will emit a flash of light and, after one second, spawn a Colossus if outside of water, or a Leviathan if underwater. There are three Colossi and one Leviathan:
  • Colossus of Chaos: An iron golem with a Projectile ability riding a fast charged creeper with an extended fuse time. In between are three exp bottles to allow the iron golem to be hit easier.
  • Colossus of Terror: A wither skeleton with a bow, riding a trident-wielding drowned, riding on a pillager with a flame crossbow, riding on a blaze with the Fireball ability (no I'm not kidding). The top three mobs are invisible with smoke particles and a head on each.
  • Colossus of Entropy: A large magma cube. As it takes damage, it becomes larger, increasing its hitbox.
  • Leviathan of Chaos: A charged creeper riding a guardian with the ___ ability.

-The above Colossi and Leviathans have the Block Break ability.

Chivalrous Enemies become Knights of slime and bees. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 10/20/30/40/50% chance to be Chivalrous, gaining 10% damage

- When a mob is spawned, there's a chance for it to be riding either a baby slime, baby magma cube, or bee. These mounts only die when the rider is unmounted (by either death or ability). The slime and magma cube mounts have a longer jumping distance.

- Mobs spawned on a mount will deal 10% more damage

Bloodthirsty Enemies can coordinate attacks on players. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 7/14/21/28/35% chance to be Bloodthirsty.

-When a bloodthirsty enemy activates, a sound plays and nearby enemies will rapidly fly through the air to land near the player. The enemies gain 15% speed. They can only incite up to 4 mobs per activation.
Pernicious Enemies can destroy terrain. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 10/20/30/40/50% chance to have Block Break and gain 7.5% movement speed.

- Mobs with Block Break will destroy blocks they run into, making a cracking sound. This does not affect spawners and unlooted chests.

- Mobs with the ability will also move 7.5% faster.

Legionary Enemies come in larger numbers. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Spawners have a 15/30/45/60/75% chance to spawn a copy of an enemy.

- When a mob is spawned, there's a chance a copy of the mob will spawn in the same spot as the mob.
Carapace Enemies gain a protective shell. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

- Enemies have a 10/20/30/40/50% chance to gain Carapaces.

- Carapaces block the first hit the enemy takes, and the enemy deals 30% more damage until the Carapace is broken.

- Enemies with the ability will have particles emitting from them. Upon breaking, a shattering noise can be heard.
Vengeance Non elite/boss mobs become avengers. Rank 1/2/3/4/5:

-Non elite/boss enemies have a 3/6/9/12/15% chance to become avengers, giving them 100% more health and gaining health and damage when nearby enemies die.

- Avenger mobs are identified by a red banner above their head.

- When an enemy dies within approximately 5 blocks of an avenger mob, the avenger will heal X% and gain X% damage.

Twisted Something, everything is wrong... Rank 1/2/3/4/5:


-When a group of mobs are spawned, there is a chance a Twisted miniboss mob will spawn, accompanied by their own boss health bar and a sound cue. These minibosses are based off of the 7 classes of the game, along with an additional Leviathan that spawns underwater:

  • Twisted Astrologer: Based on the mage class, a wither skeleton with a dark blue outline and an Ardent Convergence. It has a short damaging teleport similar to Thunderstep, a projectile it fires every now and then, a short-range line attack similar to Cosmic Moonblade, and a homing meteor attack similar to Starfall, signified by a ring of flames and a fire sound effect.
  • Twisted Cardinal: Based on the cleric class, a wither skeleton with a yellow outline and a trident (Lightbringer?). It will summon two hostile Iron Golems with high damage but low health 2 seconds after spawning. It periodically uses a skill similar to Hand of Light, healing and buffings nearby mobs and damage damaging the player. It can also shoot Immortality Bolts that make nearby mobs temporarily invincible. Mobs buffed from either skill glow.
  • Twisted Champion: Based on the warrior class, a wither skeleton with a red outline and a Drinker of Mercy. It has a slam attack and knockback resistance. It is also able to buff itself by roaring and can summon a damaging wall that knocks players back, similar to the Shield Wall skill.
  • Twisted Invoker: Based on the warlock class, a wither skeleton with a purple outline and a Malakut's Scorn. It can perform a red cone attack with a 1.5 second delay and can charge an AOE spell that knocks back and slows nearby players. Every 8 seconds, it will spawn 3 purple vexes that explode on impact, immobilizing players and dealing damage.
  • Twisted Outcast: Based on the alchemist class, a wither skeleton with a green outline. Periodically throws damaging, slowing potions approximately every 2 seconds. It can also summon Elder Aberrations (charged creepers) and Elder Amalgams (slimes) that explode after a few seconds. Neither of these mobs can damage terrain.
  • Twisted Sentinel: Based on the scout class, a wither skeleton with a light blue outline and an Omenspeaker. Attacks will cause nearby mobs to target the hit player, and it possesses an attack similar to the Volley ability. Every 10 seconds it can summon a Last Companion fox that leaps at the player and does melee damage. It also has a skill similar to Tactical Maneuver, where it leaps upwards and back.
  • Twisted Shadow: Based on the rogue class. a wither skeleton with a gray outline and an Athena. It has a ranged projectile attack that inflicts vulnerability on players, has the Teleport Behind ability, and a bomb that leaves a withering and slowing (possible weakness?) area on impact. Additionally, it will dodge an attack and teleport around every 3 seconds.
  • Twisted Occultist:Missing info.
  • Twisted Leviathan: Has Cosmic Moonblades, Shield Wall, and Immortal Bolts recycled from Astrologist, Champion, and Cardinal respectively.

- Each class based Twisted has a small chance to spawn as a special named variant. These named variants act identical to the original and drop a dummy spawn egg of them on death.

  • Twisted Astrologer: Yeigar, Last Emperor
  • Twisted Cardinal: Aesir, Lightbringer
  • Twisted Champion: Alric, Lord of the Frosted Winds
  • Twisted Invoker: C'Telsket, Crimson Conquerer
  • Twisted Outcast: Salazar, Architect of Viridia
  • Twisted Sentinel: Xeno, Shattered Scalawag
  • Twisted Shadow: Isadora, the Bloodied Queen
  • Twisted Occultist: C'Zanil, the Soulcrusher

- All Twisted share the ability to place blackstone bricks in an attempt to reach the player. They additionally have a large target range because of this.

- Twisted spawns are not random, but rather uses a formula, which helps prevent multiple from spawning in a row.

- If a Twisted despawns, the next group of mobs to spawn will guarantee a Twisted. Twisted minibosses will despawn upon meeting any of the 3 conditions:

  • The same player has died 5 times within 20 blocks of the miniboss
  • 2 minutes have passed without it dealing or taking damage
  • The chunks it is in are unloaded
Fragile Deaths cause extra shatter. Rank 1:

- Upon death, players get +1 extra level of shatter.

- Counts as 7 delve points

- Normal deaths will always induce 2 shatter levels.

- Lava will induce 2 shatter levels with Hope, and 3 shatter levels without Hope.

-Void will always induce 3 shatter levels.

Rotating Modifiers

Every week, two of six rotating modifiers will be available for selection when creating a delve. These modifiers count for 5 delve points each. Selecting at least one of the modifiers will boost all EXP gained by 25%. Selecting both will not further increase this bonus.

Modifier Description Ranks Effect
Unyielding Elites become invincible at 50% health. Rank 1:

- Elites enemies gain invulnerability for 2 seconds upon falling to 50% health. When this occurs, they shed negative effects and gain 30% damage and 10% speed for the rest of combat.

Astral Sometimes, the stars gaze back. Rank 1:

- ???

- Chests that you have direct sight of have a 25% chance to spawn a Star Pillar near them. Chests with an active Star Pillar attached to them cannot be opened until the Pillar is killed.

-Star Pillars are invisible zombies with leather armor and Doorway from Eternity on their heads. They are unable to move or damage players with contact. They spawn within 1 block of their chest. There are 9 variants with unique attack patterns and colors: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Lambda, Nu, Xi and Eta.

- All Star Pillars fire their projectiles at their feet, meaning players can completely avoid their attacks by being one block up. They also have a range of approximately 6 blocks, which can be indicated by a colored ring.

- There is a small chance that a special pillar spawns. It is an upgraded variant of one of the regular ones. They can only be damaged by players who are standing on the same Y level as their special block platforms within the colored ring. They will slowly lose health while you stand in their range but heal to full quickly when you exit. They also drop their dummy spawn egg on death.

- Double chests will count as two chests, each with their own Star Pillar spawn chance.

Assassins Rank 1:

- Mobs deal 50% extra damage when not in the player field of view, mobs have a 30% chance to become "stealthed", which they gain at random either a dodge or teleport behind.

Chronology Rank 1:

- Spawners spawn twice as fast.

- Spawners have their spawn times cut in half.
Riftborn Rank 1:

- There is a 7.5% chance that a void gate spawns near a spawner. It summons enemies and while it's alive the spawner is unbreakable.

- Void Gates are invisible glowing Shulkers that have a chance to spawn adjacent to a spawner the first time the spawner is loaded. The Shulker remains in its closed position, cannot teleport, and does not fire bullets. It will announce its presence with a bubbling sound.

- While the Void Gate is alive, it's target spawner is unable to be broken.

- Approximately every 6 seconds, if a player is within range, it will eject one of three enemies towards them:

  • An invisible skeleton in black armor with two Empty Sabres. It will cast a damaging cone attack every 5 seconds. It is also completely silent.
  • An invisible wither skeleton in black armor with a trident. About every 5 seconds, it will laugh and glow, firing a damaging projectile at a player after 2 seconds.
  • An invisible glowing enderman.
Haunted Your regrets haunt you. Rank 1:


- The Looming Consequences is a floating netherite chestplate and helmet. It phases through blocks, cannot be attacked, and cannot be targeted by skills. It passively drifts upwards and downwards in place. Each player in the instance gets their own.

- When a player enters the instance or dies, a Looming Consequences will spawn approximately 13 blocks behind them.

- It will move directly towards the player when they move, be it by player input, knockback, or environmental such as water and falling. Its vertical speed is slower than its horizontal speed to compensate upwards movement. Generally, it is slower than the player and can be easily outrun. Consequences also make a low humming sound when close to the player.

- The target player touching their Looming Consequences will take 33% of their max HP and be knocked back, which may allow the Consequences to hit the player again due to the movement. Non-target players may touch other's Consequences with no repercussions.

Ephemeral Corridors

In the Endless Mode of Ephemeral Corridors, after every third floor, the party is looped back to the first (spider or haunted mansion subsets). Every "first" floor rerun adds 10 random delve points, while every "second" and "third" floor rerun adds 4 random delve points. Delve loot (including Persistent Parchments) begin generating in chests on the fourth floor.

Darkest Depths

In the Endless Mode of Darkest Depths, after every third floor, the party is looped back to the first (overgrown area), but random depth points are added to make it more challenging. Depth points here can exceed their normal tiers, some having up to 7 tiers of a modifier. Players may check which depth points are active by using their Depth Trinkets.

Depth Points

Depth Points generally represent the difficulty of a delve's modifiers and effect the stats of mobs and amount of available loot. Each modifier a player selects increases the number of depth points by an amount based on the number of ranks selected. This is usually 1 point per rank, but some modifiers are worth more. Selecting every modifier results in a delve of 87 depth points, and completing such a monumental challenge will reward the player with the Dungeon Modding achievement (all except for Black Willows) and a special lore trophy based on the dungeon completed.

Delve Multipliers

Increasing the number of Depth Points grants a multiplier that increases the likelihood of finding delve materials whenever a chest is opened. This multiplier is capped based on the number of players present when opening a chest, as shown below.

Number of Players Maximum Multiplier Depth Points needed for Max Multiplier
1 x2.04 12 points
2 x2.74 18 points
3 x3.11 22 points
4+ x3.33 25 points

Any players present beyond the fourth do not further increase the cap, nor do they require more delve points for the maximum multiplier to be reached. That said, having additional players present does also increase the multiplier by a small amount per player with diminishing returns up to a maximum of 8 players, just not above the maximum multiplier of x3.33. The caps shown in the chart above are based on the number of players, so having more players in a delve with a lower number of delve points increases the limit, allowing each player's small bonus to be applied, even on lower point delves.

The damage and health of mobs also increases with the amount of delve points. The increase is based on two multipliers; Multipliers from delve points and Multipliers from Base Dungeon. The Base Dungeon Multiplier is predetermined for each dungeon, having a lower increase in dungeons of harder difficulty. This only affects mob damage and health. The delve point multiplier increases as points are added. These affect mob speed in addition to damage and health, capping out at 25 points with x1.75 damage, x1.5 health, and x1.25 speed. These two multipliers are added together to create the final scale of mob stats.

Delve Bounty

Delve bounties are weekly challenges given by Knight-Errant Reynart in Mistport. He will give a description (listed below) referencing one of the dungeons, in which the player must complete the corresponding delve. A player directly receiving a delve bounty from Reynart cannot be assigned a delve they have not unlocked yet. First obtaining the delve bounty will give all players in the room the same delve bounty, regardless of if all of them have access to it. Shift-punching Reynart will quickly assign nearby players a delve bounty.

Players who do not start the delve bounty's dungeon that week will have their bounty automatically reset after the weekly update, allowing for a new assignment. If the player has opened the dungeon the week it was assigned, the bounty will last until the third weekly update, the same time the dungeon instance should automatically close. After the first weekly update, the player may abandon their delve bounty to be assigned another one. Each player may only complete one delve bounty a week, meaning that if they complete their bounty on the third week, they may not obtain another assignment until the next weekly update.

Upon entering the lootroom of the assigned delve, the bounty is completed and the player receives a bounty chest with various epic materials, gold nuggets, CCS, twisted strands, and filler items. Note that it is impossible for the player to get the same delve bounty two weeks in a row.

Challenge Delves

Challenge Delves are an optional Delve type that can be selected when starting a Delve. A preset containing 50 Delve Points will be applied, with many point combes that are unreachable in Custom Delves. Completing Challenge Delves awards 1 Prestige Point, which can be spent on special Cosmetics. To clear these dungeons, 80% of spawners must be broken.

Dungeon Challenge Modifiers Reward
Halls of Wind and Blood Vengeance 10 (30%), Spectral 10 (70%), Bloodthirsty 3, Pernicious 10 (100%), Legionary 7 (105%), Twisted 5, Chronology Vessel of Souls
Quetzalcoatl's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Fallen Menagerie Arcanic 5, Colossal 3, Chivalrous 5, Bloodthirsty 10 (70%), Legionary 7 (105%), Carapace 10 (100%), Twisted 5, Unyielding Beacon of the Beast

Ixume's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Plagueroot Temple Infernal 10 (60%, 200%, 100%), Spectral 7 (49%), Dreadful 10 (200%), Colossal 3, Pernicious 5, Legionary 2, Carapace 3, Twisted 5, Haunted 1 Plagueroot Clasp

Myragh's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Arcane Rivalry Arcanic 17 (102%), Infernal 5, Transcendent 10 (100%), Carapace 8 (80%), Twisted 5, Astral Conjurant's Beacon

Argone Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Vernal Nightmare Vengeance 13 (39%), Infernal 5, Colossal 5, Bloodthirsty 7 (49%), Pernicious 5, Twisted 5, Unyielding, Riftborn Aspect of the Elementals

Deva's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

The Black Willows Vengeance 10 (30%), Dreadful 5, Bloodthirsty 3, Pernicious 5, Legionary 7 (105%), Twisted 5, Assassins, Unyielding, Riftborn Whisper of the Veil

Ezariah's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Malevolent Reverie Vengeance 34 (102%), Pernicious 6 (60%), Twisted 5, Riftborn Darkest Dreamstone

Kaul's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Salazar's Folly Arcanic 13 (78%), Infernal 7 (42%, 140%, 70%), Transcendent 5, Pernicious 5, Legion 10 (150%), Twisted 5, Riftborn Viridia's Heart

Salazar's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Harmonic Arboretum Vengeance 13 (39%), Transcendent 10 (100%), Legionary 7 (105%), Twisted 5, Pernicious 5, Unyielding Riftborn Mindstone of Seasons

Ymmodae's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs Spectral 15 (105%), Dreadful 10 (200%), Colossal 5, Pernicious 5, Twisted 5, Astral, Haunted Death's Cistern

Hekawt's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Palace of Mirrors Vengeance 17 (51%), Arcanic 3, Pernicious 5, Carapace 10 (100%), Twisted 5, Astral, Riftborn Cracked Mirrorshard

Alutana's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Scourge of Lunacy Infernal 17 (102%, 340%, 170%), Spectral 5, Bloodthirsty 6 (42%), Pernicious 5, Legionary 7 (105%), Twisted 5, Riftborn Insanity's Edge

Astaroth's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Grasp of Avarice Colossal 5, Bloodthirsty 17 (119%), Pernicious 8 (80%), Twisted 5, Assassins, Chronology, Haunted Cache of Greed

Varcosa's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Echoes of Oblivion Arcanic 10 (60%), Transcendent 12 (120%), Pernicious 8 (80%), Twisted 5, Assassins, Chronology, Riftborn Twisted Timestrand

Max's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

City of Shifting Waters Arcanic 5, Transcendent 10 (100%), Dreadful 10 (200%), Colossal 5, Pernicious 5, Twisted 5, Assassin, Chronology Dream of the Machine

Fred's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

The Fallen Forum Transcendent 10 (100%), Dreadful 8 (160%), Bloodthirsty 5, Pernicious 10 (100%), Legionary 7 (105%), Twisted 5, Chronology 1 Apparatus of Olive

Bhairavi's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Coven's Gambit Arcanic 10 (60%), Infernal 10 (60%, 200%, 100%), Transcendent 10 (100%), Pernicious 5, Twisted 5, Astral, Riftborn Dryadic Resurrection

Hycenea's Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point

Cradle of the Broken God Spectral 5, Dreadful 5, Colossal 15 (75%), Carapace 15 (150%), Twisted 5, Haunted Cog of The Machine

Pelias' Challenge Advancement

1 Prestige Point


Knight-Errant Reynart sells various items with epic materials as currency. 48 of a specific epic material and 12 of the dungeon's Mythic material (Mythic Dust for Region 1, Mythic Powder for Region 2) can be traded for the dungeon's delve epic (Box of Endless Echoes is an exception, costing 48 Echoes of the Veil and 6 Mythic Dust). He will additionally sell various Relics, a totem, golden food, and potions at the cost of Twisted Strands and HCS.

Region 3 delve epic materials are not used at Reynart, but rather at various traders in the Region 3 overworld. Instead of a Mythic material, epic trades may require currency or other items such as specific charms.

Squire Reggie, the NPC next to Reynart, deals with conversions regarding delve materials. Epic materials can be traded for a Twisted Strand, in which two can be traded in for one of any epic material (Persistent Parchment is an exception, costing three Twisted Strands each). Mythic Dust and Mythic Powder are acquired by him, requiring 4 Pulsating Dust and 1 HXP for Mythic Dust, and 4 Pulsating Powder and 1 HCS for Mythic Powder. He will also handle the converting of regional currency and transmogrification materials using Twisted Strands. No Region 3 items are present in Squire Reggie's trades.

The Reliquary Artist in the Artist's Abode and on the second floor of Reynart's house will give your delve epics a Reliquary Skin at the cost of 3 Twisted Pigment each. Twisted Pigment can be found in any delve at an extremely rare rate, even rarer than epic materials. Like most other skins, there is no way to remove the skin once they are added. Alternatively, Twisted Pigments may be traded for 6 Twisted Strands.

Dungeon List

Dungeon Description How to Unlock Special Loot
Halls of Wind and Blood Rituals defiling the souls of the dead disturb hallowed halls. You must put an end to these unholy rites. Complete the King's Valley Monument. Zanil's Regret
Soul Essence
Vessel of Souls
Fallen Menagerie Vile experiments mutate nature's gifts for the sake of power. These must be put to an end. Complete the King's Valley Monument. Ixume's Hunt
Beastly Brood
Beacon of the Beast
Plagueroot Temple A deathly specter looms over the ruins of a once great temple... the plague must not be allowed into this world. Complete the King's Valley Monument. Myrahg's Pestilence
Plagueroot Sap
Plagueroot Clasp
Arcane Rivalry An eternal conflict, a magical seal on alchemical evil... yet there is only one fate evil shall meet, and containment is not sufficient. Complete the King's Valley Monument. Primordial Flames
Arcane Crystal
Conjurant's Beacon
Vernal Nightmare A once peaceful spirit, whipped up into a mindless rage by the meddling of insidious forces. I know not what must be done, but it cannot be allowed to fester any longer. Complete the King's Valley Monument. Roar of the Valley
Season's Wrath
Aspect of the Elementals
The Black Willows A grove of mysteries locked behind an elemental key, for good reason.  The voice of a power now taken echoes through the willow trees. Complete the quest The Staff? Echoes of the Veil
Box of Endless Echoes
Whisper of the Veil
Various lore items
Malevolent Reverie The great Genius Loci stirs in his sleep. What an awful distortion of reality this nightmare has created... Complete the quest Crystal Visions. Kingslayer
Nightmare Fuel
Darkest Dreamstone
Various special uncommon items
Salazar's Folly To claim the knowledge, power, and wisdom of the gods can only end in tragedy. The imbalance from this folly must be corrected. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Salazar's Greed
Refound Knowledge
Viridia's Heart
Harmonic Arboretum A blight afflicts the seasons. What was once harmony is now dissonance, and cannot remain so. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Chains of Entropy
Roots of Balance
Mindstone of Seasons
Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs The cycle of life and death no longer holds in this civilization. The natural order must be restored. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Soul of Ishnir
Forgotten Ashes
Death's Cistern
Palace of Mirrors Light shines into the mirror, but only darkness seeps out... a corruption has taken grip and must be purified. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Aurora Mirror
Aurora Shard
Cracked Mirrorshard
Scourge of Lunacy Madness is the greatest loss, for even the memory of what once was becomes tainted. Their remembrance must be avenged. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Fleshbreaker
Feverish Flesh
Insanity's Edge
Grasp of Avarice A consuming greed envelops this hideaway lost to the sea. The hunger must be pacified. Complete the Celsian Isles Monument. Ardent Convergence
Despondent Doubloon
Cache of Greed
Echoes of Oblivion A kingdom lost to the sands of history. Someone here seeks to deceive you, but time tells no lies. Complete the quest Unmasked, as well as the Celsian Isles Monument. Sword of the Exiled
Weathered Rune
Twisted Timestrand
City of Shifting Waters In attempt to keep away outsiders, the denizens of this city doomed themselves to their own shifting hell. They must be freed, one way or another. Complete the quest The Stone Ocean. Firmament
Primordial Clay
Dream of the Machine
The Fallen Forum The researchers' magnum opus freed, a power now unchained.  It must be stamped out, lest we all fall to the nothing from whence it came. Complete the quest The Olive Branch. Fruit of Life
Binah Leaf
Apparatus of Olive
Coven's Gambit A great upheaval is erupting within the Tree of Life. The great head of this band of witches must be cut down, lest they unleash a powerful ritual, the consequences of which cannot be undone. Complete the quest A Wolf in Witch's Clothing. Cry Havoc
Coven Vial
Molldyer's Inferno
Sorceress' Stave
Dryadic Resurrection
Cradle of the Broken God Tales of the Ashkii speak of the Shades, husks of their kin that have been reduced to naught but mindless flesh, and doppelgangers that infiltrate their ranks. These threats must be stamped out by removing the god that lies in the heart of Pelias' folly. Complete the quest Mechs Machina and conquer the Cradle of the Broken God. Gears of the King
Rocket Boots
Aether Turbine
Broken God Gearframe
Cog of The Machine


-Dungeon Delves were added on April 23rd, 2020. They were then reworked on December 31st, 2020.