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Monumenta features a number of custom enchantments that are applied to some items in the world. Unlike in vanilla Minecraft, players cannot add enchantments beyond what is already on an item. The exception to this are Item Infusions and Delve Infusions.


See also: Attributes

The majority of items in Monumenta have enchantments on them that augment their power in certain ways. For example, an armor piece with Projectile Protection 1 will protect you more from projectiles than other attacks.

You only gain the effects of enchantments from items that you are wearing or holding. This consists of all your armor slots, your offhand, and your mainhand.

If you have the same enchantment on multiple items, then the effect will be as if you had the total combined level of all your items with that enchantment. For example, having a helmet with Adrenaline 2 and holding a pickaxe with Adrenaline 1 will give you the total effect of Adrenaline 3.

Defense Enchantments

Enchantments that reduce the damage you take in some way or another.

Defense enchantments can temporarily increase your Armor or Agility under certain conditions, while others decrease the damage of only certain types of attacks.

Melee Protection Multiplies melee damage taken by 0.96 ^ (2 * level). Items
Projectile Protection Multiplies projectile damage taken by 0.96 ^ (2 * level). Items
Magic Protection Multiplies magic damage taken by 0.96 ^ (2 * level). Items
Blast Protection Multiplies blast damage taken by 0.96 ^ (2 * level). Items
Fire Protection Multiplies fire damage taken by 0.96 ^ (2 * level). Reduces fire duration by 10% per level. Items
Feather Falling Multiplies fall damage taken by 0.96 ^ (3 * level). Items
Shielding Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when taking damage from an enemy within 2.5 blocks. Taking damage that would stun a shield and activates Shielding reduces Shielding's effect to half for 5 seconds. Items
Poise Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when above 90% max health. Half the bonus is granted when between 70% and 90% max health. Items
Inure Gain (20% * level) effective Armor when taking the same type of mob damage consecutively (melee, projectile, blast, or magic). Items
Steadfast Gain 0.33% effective Armor per 1% health missing, up to 20% more Armor. Items
Evasion Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when taking damage from a source further than 4 blocks from the player. Items
Reflexes Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when there are 4 or more enemies within 8 blocks. Items
Ethereal Gain (20% * level) effective Agility on hits taken within 2 seconds of any previous hit. Items
Tempo Gain (20% * level) effective Agility on the first hit taken after 4 seconds of taking no damage. Half of the bonus is granted after 2 seconds of taking no damage. Items
Adaptability Allows secondary enchants (EX: Shielding, Reflexes) to work with the defense type (armor or agility) you have the most of. Items
Second Wind Damage from attacks applied to the lower half of your max health is multiplied by (0.9 ^ level). Attacks received while under this threshold get their damage reduced; attacks that bring you under this threshold have the portion of the damage that is applied past the threshold reduced. Items
Worldly Protection While held, gain (5% * level) damage reduction when in the King's Valley, (7.5% * level) damage reduction when in the Celsian Isles, and (10% * level) damage reduction in the Architect's Ring. Items
Guard Gain (20% * level) effective Armor after blocking with a shield. Lasts for 2.5s if blocked from offhand, and 5s if blocked from mainhand. Items
Cloaked Gain (20% * level) effective Agility when there are 2 or less enemies within 5 blocks of the player. Items

Weapon Enchantments

Enchantments that grant special effects to weapons.

Spell Power Increases the damage of Mage's spells, and only appears on wands. Stacks with Magic Damage attribute. Items
Knockback Adds level * 3 blocks to your knockback on melee strikes. Items
Fire Aspect Adds level * 4 seconds of burning to the target. Items
Ice Aspect Adds level * 10% slowness for 4 seconds. Deals 1 extra damage to Blazes. Items
Thunder Aspect Adds level * 10% chance to stun a mob on hit for 2 seconds (0.5 seconds for elites) when dealing melee damage, or for 0.5 seconds (0 for elites) when dealing projectile damage. Deals 1 extra damage to Guardians and Iron Golems. Items
Decay Applies a Decay effect that deals 2 damage every 40 / level ticks for 4 seconds. Items
Smite Deal level * 2 damage to undead enemies. Items
Hex Eater Adds level * 0.5 extra damage per debuff on the target. Items
Duelist Deals level * 2 non-undead human-like enemies. Items
Slayer Deals level * 2 damage to anything not affected by Smite or Duelist. Items
Abyssal While equipped, deal an additional level * 10% damage to all enemies in water. Items
Regicide While equipped, you deal an additional level * 10% damage to elite enemies and level * 5% damage to boss enemies. Items
Inferno When you ignite an enemy, they take level^0.95 extra damage once a second for the initial duration of the fire. Items
Chaotic Deals anywhere between -level and +level damage. Halved for sweep attacks. Items
Life Drain Heals the player for sqrt(level) for critical hits and 0.5 * sqrt(level) / sqrt(attack speed) * Attack Cooldown for non-crits. Items
Sweeping Edge Increases sweep damage by 1 + attack damage * (level / (level + 1)). Items
Arcane Thrust Melee attacks damage enemies 3 blocks in front of you in a 0.6 block wide line. 1 + melee damage dealt * level / (level + 1). Items
Bleeding Applies Bleed for 5 seconds to mobs struck by the weapon. Bleed applies level * 10% slowness and weakness to mobs under 50% HP. Items
Quake When you kill an enemy with melee, nearby enemies in a 3 block cube take level * 10% of the damage. Fire/Thunder/Ice aspect, Decay, and Bleed apply to affected mobs. Items
Wind Aspect Launch mobs hit by level * 1.5 blocks and applies Slow Falling for 1 second. Items
Earth Aspect Grants level * 5% damage reduction when dealing melee damage or mining a spawner. Dealing projectile damage grants half the effect. Items
Trivium Spells deal level * 10% more damage when affecting 3 or more mobs. Items
First Strike The first melee hit against a mob deals level * 10% more damage, and the first projectile hit against a mob deals level * 7.5% more damage. The bonus damage can be reapplied to the same target every 3 seconds. Items
Reverb On kill by melee damage or projectile, deal level * 10% of your overkill damage plus level * 5% of your highest damage source within the killing attack to a mob within 8 blocks. Items
Technique When damaging a mob within 3 blocks, deal level * 10% more magic and melee ability (not physical) damage, and level * 7.5% more projectile damage. Items

Ranged Enchantments

Enchantments that grant an effect on ranged weapons.

Flame Projectiles set enemies on fire for 5 seconds. Items
Punch Projectiles gain level * 3 blocks of knockback. Items
Point Blank Deals level * 2 more damage to targets within 8 blocks of the player. Items
Sniper Deals level * 2 more damage to targets more than 12 blocks from the player. Items
Recoil You are knocked back when firing the crossbow. Crouching prevents the effect but causes a 0.5 second cooldown. Items
Multishot Fire 3 projectiles at once. Items
Piercing Arrows can pass through level entities Items
Quick Charge Decreases the time it takes to load a crossbow by level * 0.25 seconds. Items

Tool Enchantments

Enchantments that grant special effects to tools.

Looting Increases common loot drops by (enchantment level) chances. Items
Efficiency Increases the speed at which you break blocks. Items
Fortune Increases the resources gained when breaking ores and certain blocks. Items
Lure Decreases the time spent waiting for a fish by level * 5 seconds. Items
Silk Touch Allows blocks to drop themselves instead of their normal drop. Items
Multitool Level 1 allows the tool to cycle between an axe and shovel. Level 2 adds a pickaxe to the cycle. Items
Sapper Restore (enchantment level) Health when breaking a spawner. Items
Debarking Removes bark from logs you break. Items
Barking Restores bark to logs you break. Items
Eruption Deal level * 4 damage in a 5 block radius when breaking a spawner. Fire, Ice, Thunder aspect and Decay apply to affected mobs. Adrenaline and Sapper apply to nearby players. Items
Riptide A trident with Riptide can only be thrown in water. When thrown, you are launched a distance based on Riptide's level. Items

Passive Enchantments

Enchantments that grant an effect passively when used or worn.

Unbreaking Gear breaks level + 1 times slower. Items
Unbreakable No durability is taken when used. Items
Mending Items with Mending are repaired by 2 durability per XP orb consumed. Items
Infinity Bows and crossbows don't consume arrows, potions and food are not consumed when used. Items
Darksight Provides the player with Night Vision while equipped. Items
Radiant When held in any hand, provides Night Vision and Glowing for 30 seconds. Items
  • Heals sqrt(level)/12 HP every 5 ticks, lasts for 3 seconds
    • (ex. Regeneration 1 should heal 0.0833 HP every 0.25 sec, last for 3 sec).
  • Regeneration enchantment and vanilla regeneration potion effect do not interact.
Gills Provides the player with Water Breathing while equipped. Items
Aqua Affinity Removes penalty to mining speed while underwater. Items
Depth Strider Move level * 33% faster when in water. Items
Respiration Extends breathing time underwater by level * 15 seconds. Items
Soul Speed When on soul sand or soul soil, your speed will increase by level * 10.5%. Items
Intuition Gain 50% more experience. Multiple Intuition items do not stack. Items
Sustenance Increases healing received by level * 10%. Items
Retrieval Arrows have a level * 10% chance to not be consumed. Items
Adrenaline Upon attacking an enemy, you gain level * 10% speed for 3 seconds. Upon breaking a spawner with a pickaxe, you gain level * 5% speed for 6 seconds. Items
Weightless May be held in the offhand without incurring a debuff from the Two Handed curse. Items
Aptitude Multiplies the cooldowns of all of your skills by 0.95^level. Items
Triage Increases the amount of healing you do to others by level * 5%. Items
Stamina After taking damage, gain level * 2.5% melee and projectile damage per level for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times, for level * 10% max damage. Items

Consumable Enchantments

Enchantments that function on consumable items.

Jungle's Nourishment The food fully refills hunger bar. Gives Resistance for 4 seconds and Instant Health II. Items
Rage of the Keter The food restores 6 hunger points and 6 saturation points and can be eaten at full hunger. Gives the player +15% to all damage and +15% speed for 15 seconds. Items
Liquid Courage The consumable restores 8 hunger points and 8 saturation points. Gives the player +20% damage resistance on the next 3 melee/projectile/magic attacks they receive within the next 15 seconds. 30 second cooldown. Items
Temporal Bender The consumable restores 6 hunger points and 6 saturation points. Restores all class ability cooldowns by 5 seconds. 30 second cooldown. Items
Intoxicating Warmth The consumable restores 1 hunger point and 1 saturation point every second for the next 15 seconds. 30 second cooldown. Items
Resurrection Saves the player from death once. Items
Void Tether Saves the player from death in the void once. Items
Exorcism Deals damage to mobs summoned in the Valley of Forgotten Pharaohs. Only spawns in that particular dungeon. Items
Instant Drink Right-click to instantly be granted the item's effects. Items
Ashes of Eternity Saves player from death once a week using the same mechanics as Resurrection and Void Tether. The enchant is then removed until the next weekly reset. Items
Throwing Knife Right-click to use the item and instantly fire an arrow. Items


Enchantments that inflict a significant negative effect on the player.

Curse of Corruption Debuffs the player if more than one item with this enchantment is in their inventory. Items
Curse of Irreparability Prevents the enchanted item from being repaired. Items
Two Handed Debuffs the player if they are also holding something in their off hand, unless it has the weightless enchantment. Two Handed swords count as two swords for Rogue. Items
Curse of Emphemerality Item vanishes when changing inventories or when the player teleports or logs out. Items
Curse of Binding Item can only be removed when it shatters or the player dies. Items
Curse of Vanishing Item shatters on death. Level 2 completely deletes the item on death. Items
Curse of Crippling When under 50% health, your damage and movement speed is reduced by 10% per level. Items
Curse of Shrapnel Take level damage when mining a spawner. Items
Curse of Anemia Healing effects reduced by level * 10%. Items
Curse of Instability Randomizes the damage type of damage received when you get hit between Melee, Projectile, Magic and Blast. Items
Starvation Removes saturation points and hunger points (in that order) equal to level. Items
Ineptitude Increases the cooldown of all your skills by level * 5%. Items
Melee Fragility Multiplies melee damage taken by 0.96 ^ (-2 * level). Items
Projectile Fragility Multiplies projectile damage taken by 0.96 ^ (-2 * level). Items
Magic Fragility Multiplies magic damage taken by 0.96 ^ (-2 * level). Items
Blast Fragility Multiplies blast damage taken by 0.96 ^ (-2 * level). Items
Fire Fragility Multiplies fire damage taken by 0.96 ^ (-2 * level). Items
Cumbersome Critical attacks deal normal damage instead. Abilities that require critical attacks can still be activated with critical attack. Items

Cosmetic Enchantments

Enchantments that grant a cosmetic effects to items or players.

Locked Loadout Lockboxes will not swap the item. Applied by the Willows Spirit in the Black Willows lobby for 3 Hyperexperience. Can be removed, but not refunded. Items
Clucking Players will occasionally hear clucking. Being splashed with a Jar of Clucks will apply this enchantment to a random held or equipped item. Can be removed by the Master of Clucks after completing Clucked Up quest. Items
Oinking Players will occasionally hear oinking. Items
Baaing Players will occasionally hear baaing. Items
Gilded Players gain an aura of particles when used. Reward from weekly voting raffle, and will have the name of the player who decorated it next to the enchantment text. Claim by using the command /claimraffle . Items
Stylish Players gain an aura of black particles. Items
Festive Players gain an aura of festive particles. Only obtainable during winter events, and will have the name of the player who decorated it next to the enchantment text. Items
Divine Aura Players and attacked enemies gain an aura of divine particles. Items reskinned by the Cleansing Spirit next to the Kaul arena will have this cosmetic. Items

Basic Infusions

Main article : Basic Infusions

There are currently 6 types of Basic Infusions that a player can add to their items. Only one Basic Infusion can be added to an item at a time, and each can go up to level 4.

Tenacity Take (0.5% * level) less damage.
Vitality Gain (1% * level) max health.
Vigor Deal (0.75% * level) more melee damage.
Focus Deal (0.75% * level) more projectile damage.
Perspicacity Deal (0.75% * level) more magic damage.
Acumen Gain (2% * level) more experience.

Boss Infusions

Main article : Boss Infusions

There are currently 4 types of Boss Infusions that a player can add to their items. Multiple types of Boss Infusions can be added to an item at a time.

Hope Items with Hope receive 1 less level of shatter from void and lava deaths. Applied by Mastersmith Antonio in Highwatch for 3 HXP HXP and 9 Shard of the Mantle. The quest Unveiled grants the player access to Hoping items and one free application.
Colossal Durability is lost 50% slower. This stacks with Unbreaking. Applied by Alric under the Eldrask arena for 3 HCS HCS and 9 Titanic Knowledge. Can be refunded, but only the Titanic Knowledge will be returned. Requires completion of Alric's Legacy.
Phylactery If you died with more than 100 experience points, (10% * level) of your XP is saved in your grave on death and can be recollected. Additionally, keep (5% * level) of the duration of potion effects upon dying. Applied by Pharaoh Tyro Syl in Alnera for 3 HCS HCS and 6 Ancestral Effigies. Can be refunded, but only the Ancestral Effigies will be returned. Requires completion of A Lich in the System.
Revelation Items infused with Revelation increase the level of any Delve infusion on the item by one level. Applied by Namtar on the shore near the Sirius Arena for 3 Hyperchromatic Archos Ring HAR and 9 Glistering Starblood. Can be refunded, but only the Glistering Starblood will be returned. Requires completion of Starless Night.

Delve Infusions

Main article : Delve Infusions

Enchantments found in Breachpoint and Celestial Zenith lobby, accessible at the Infusion Station. Each requires a specific dungeon's Delve Material, levels and either Indigo Blightdust or Voidstained Geodes to apply it to an item. (Infusing with Voidstained Geodes is locked behind a normal Darkest Depths completion and infusing with Indigo Blightdust is locked behind a normal Celestial Zenith completion.)

There is a Delve Infusion for each available delve material in the game. Only one Delve Infusion can be added to an item at a time, and each can go up to level 4.

Pennate White Fall damage is reduced by level * 5%.
Carapace Orange After being hit, you gain level * 1.25% damage reduction for 5s. Being hit again while active refreshes the duration.
Aura Magenta Mobs in a 3 block radius from you are slowed by level * 2% for 0.5 seconds. This is refreshed as long as they are in range.
Expedite Light Blue Damaging an enemy with an ability increases your movement speed by level * 1% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Choler Yellow Deal level * 1% additional damage to any mob that is on fire, slowed, or stunned.
Unyielding Willows Gain level * 0.6 knockback resistance.
Usurper Reverie Heal level * 2.5% of your max health whenever you slay an elite or boss enemy.
Vengeful Corridors Deal level * 2% more damage to the last enemy that damaged you.
Empowered Lime When you gain XP, you have a level * 0.25% chance per XP point to repair all currently equipped items by 1% of their max durability.
Nutriment Pink Gain level * 1.5% extra healing.
Execution Gray After killing an enemy, you deal level * 1.5% extra damage for 4 seconds.
Reflection Light Gray 1 second after taking ability damage, deal level * 6% of the spell's damage to all mobs in a 4 block radius.
Mitosis Cyan Mining a spawner debuffs all mobs in a 5 block radius with level * 3.75 Weakness for 3 seconds.
Ardor Purple Mining a spawner outside of water grants you level * 3.75% speed for 4s. Mining a spawner underwater refreshes 0.5 breath per level.
Epoch Teal Class abilities cooldowns are reduced by level * 1%.
Natant Shifting You move level * 4% faster while in water.
Understanding Forum All non-Delve Infusions you are currently benefiting from gain 0.2 levels per item per level of this Infusion. Understanding applies to each item even if two items have the same Infusion type, so the maximum non-Delve Infusion level is now effectively 30 if you have Understanding IV and Revelation.
Soothing Blue Regenerate level * 0.04 health per second.
Fueled Brown Gain level * 0.3% damage reduction for every enemy on fire, slowed, or stunned within 8 blocks, capped at 4 mobs.
Refresh SKT Reduces the cooldown of infinite foods by level * 2%.
Quench Wolfswood Increase duration of consumables by 2.5%.
Grace Pelias' Keep Gain level * 1.5% attack speed.
Celestial Star Point Deal 1.5% * level additional damage to mobs that are at a higher elevation than you
Galvanic PORTAL Gain a level * 1.25% chance to stun a mob for 2 seconds (0.5 seconds for elites) when dealing or taking non-ability melee or projectile damage.
Decapitation Ruin Deal level * 1.25% more damage on a critical melee strike.