The Fallen Forum

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The Fallen Forum requires progressing through The Olive Branch to access. This dungeon has a stated 73+ lore books, with an estimated 60 accessible books per instance.

Obtaining the reward chest and dungeon completion credit requires being present when the final cutscene is activated after the defeat of the final boss, which in turn can be fought as soon as a single side area has been unlocked and completed.

Of the three side zones (the Conservatory, the Conscriptorium, and the Living Quarters) only two are available in a single dungeon instance, randomly chosen.

Once a single side area has been completed, a one-way teleporter activates to transport to a short hallway containing a two-way teleporter back to the dungeon start at one end and access to the final boss's arena at the other.

Upon the boss's defeat, all players present will be transported to the end room, where talking to Bhairavi will give each a Forum Cache (a reward chest containing a single The Fallen Forum artifact and standard end room loot), as well as the dungeon trophy Olive Strand, and completion of The Olive Branch quest if it's the player's first time.

Part 1

The Library

The dungeon starts with a large, open, densely vertical area. In the middle are the key receptacles for unlocking teleporters to the Conservatory, the Conscriptorium, and the Living Quarters. To the north and to the south are side sections each containing a single random teleporter key in a chest near their end.

Back in the middle room of the library, putting a key into its designated item frame activates the teleporter to that zone.

The Archives

The northern section requires activating three buttons to open the way to its end, the first of which is guarded by a miniboss in a room containing the uncommon armor set. On the way up to it is a fall trap into lava at the top of a stairway, as well as several more traps in the following rooms. Once all the "chain release" buttons have been activated, access to the restricted books section opens below, at the end of which lies a frost giant "statue", a teleporter key, and a one-way teleporter back to the start.

Chain Locations
  • Chain 1 : [-1161, 236, 8329]
  • Chain 2 : [-1155, 122, 8285]
  • Chain 3 : [-1145, 136, 8435], access through [-1155, 131, 8412]

The Growth Chambers

The southern section requires navigating overgrown buildings that quickly devolve into gratuitous amount of lava, and falling floor traps into lava, and creepers and ghasts to explode terrain to make you fall into lava, and some blazes to set you on fire. Near the bottom another miniboss awaits, guarding entrance into a grand lava chamber that would put the Nether to shame, and raised up in a precarious climb in the middle to a teleporter key at [-1379, 111, 8593] and a one-way teleporter back to the start.

Part 2

The Conservatory

Objective : Collect 5 Plant Fertilizers (dungeon keys) in their respective chests. Fertilize 5 plants with the correct fertilizer (put the keys into their respective droppers) in order to activate the teleportor towards the final boss arena.

There's a miniboss. It drops Edge of Tiferet. Additionally, the rare Poacher's Rifle can only appear in loot in this area.

Fertilizer Pairings & Locations
  • Raw Rat [-1300, 46, 8415] - Adder's Tongue [-1332, 36, 8348]
  • Cloud Meal [-1466, 36, 8301] - Skylac [-1284, 33, 8292]
  • Hangman's Fertilizer [-1466, 36, 8301] - Hangman Lilies [-1235, 33, 8315]
  • Lernaean Mulch [-1466, 36, 8301] - Hydradendron [-1339, 37, 8433]
  • Crown Sulfur [-1466, 36, 8301] - Prismatic Thronethorn [-1251, 37, 8433]

The Conscriptorium

Smash three Spooky Fires to open the way forward. The rare Drop of Void can only be found in loot in this area.

There's a miniboss. It drops Bloody Fang. One of the Spooky Fires is in its room but doesn't exist until it dies.

Spooky Fire Locations
  • Spooky Fire A : [-1285, 136, 8295]
  • Spooky Fire B : [-1364, 140, 8274]
  • Spooky Fire C : [-1351, 131, 8429]

There's an uncommon armor set hiding behind bars in a wall.

The Living Quarters

There's a miniboss. It drops The Hearth. The rare Homestead can only appear in loot in this area.


False Spirit is the boss of The Fallen Forum. The boss reflects projectiles if you're shooting afar. The boss also regains a little health back whenever a player dies in the arena. Touching the blocks in the pit at the bottom of the arena deals damage to the player rapidly.

  • Multislashing
  • Slow 9 + negative jump boost says you're not going anywhere, but also shoves you backward so you're not allowed to melee either
  • Slow magic missile
  • Boomline's Bubble Beam Buddy
  • Your feet explode
  • Blocks are suddenly flying around

At 85%, 70%, 30%, and 15%, the boss turns invulnerable and a portal appears at one corner of the arena, which is also impervious to normal attacks and spawns gratuitous amounts of mobs. After killing enough of the mobs spawning around the portal, a fancy harpoon will appear at one of the end portal frame blocks around the arena. Hitting the portal with that thrown harpoon will instantly destroy it and allow the boss to be damaged again.

At around 60% the boss gets mad and spams painful explosions everywhere, and starts shooting the pseudo-boomline lasers.

Near death the boss repeats portal phase one more time with a portal high up directly above the center platform.


Main Forum



Restricted Books

Growth Chambers



Living Quarters
