Master of One

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Assist the Teacher in rebuilding the school of Mistport.

The Teacher

Coordinates: -1829, 127, 2431

[The Teacher] Well hello, you must be <Player>. I have been anticipating your arrival.

[You have?]

[The Teacher] Yes, it was only logical you would end up here eventually. I knew it would happen.

[So why were you waiting for me?]

  • [That's a tad creepy.]
    • [The Teacher] Not creepy, calculated.

[The Teacher] You see, the building you passed through on your way here once housed a great school, one where people of all trades could come and hone their skills to new heights. I wish to rebuild that school, but I require some assistance.

[How can I help?]

  • [No thanks.]

[The Teacher] Let's start with some rather... hard-to-come-by materials. In Alnera, there is a blacksmith who is famous across the world as the only able to create creating Crystallized Iron. Likewise, in Frostgate, an expert artisan is the only known crafter of Wisperwood Stakes. I require you to fetch these for me- they are of the utmost importance to my task.

1/2 - Search out a blacksmith in Alerna that can produce crystallized iron.

Blacksmith Ghalla

Coordinates: 438, 61, 770

[Blacksmith Ghalla] I don't really have much time to talk. Got a lot of orders to fill today.

[I was sent to ask you about some Crystallized Iron.]

[Blacksmith Ghalla] You and every other person in the world. Listen, if you want a weapon, you'll need to place an order like everyone else.

[I don't want a weapon, I was just sent to get some iron for Mistport.]

[Blacksmith Ghalla] WHAT? Mistport? Damn that Xeno, we had a deal- stay away from me and my iron mines and I'll prioritize his end-of-month requests.

[I'm not here with-]

[Blacksmith Ghalla] You know what, I don't have time to stress about this. Here, take some that was just made, and get out.

2/2 - You also need to find an artisan in Frostgate who can provide wisperwood stakes.

Artisan Angra

Coordinates: -1500, 98, 938

[Artisan Angra] Hello there, are you looking for anything specific today? Some crafted displays, or maybe a polished table?

[I think I'm good right now.]

[I was sent to ask you about a Wisperwood Stake.]

[Artisan Angra] Oh my, I haven't made one of those in years. That trade started dying when the wood became endangered. I'm the only one left that can even still make them, though I won't hurt that species any more than I already have.

[I need one for a mission I have in Mistport.]

[Artisan Angra] Mistport?! No no no, listen, I don't want any trouble with pirates. I moved to Frostgate to get away from them.

[I'm not going to hurt-]

[Artisan Angra] Here look, I have a single one still in my drawer that I keep to remember the old days. You can take it, but please just leave.

Return to The Teacher when you have both the crystallized iron and whisperwood stake.

The Teacher

Coordinates: -1829, 127, 2431

[The Teacher] Ahh yes, both of these are perfect. They will do just nicely.

The Teacher slides both items into his drawer.

[How do these things help us with the rebuilding the school?]

[The Teacher] These? Ohoh no no, that's not what these are for. No, they will come in handy much later; but don't worry too much about that.

[You said they were essential for building the school.]

[The Teacher] No, I believe I said they were essential for my task. You see, there was a lesson to learn here. What did you notice about the two individuals you visited?

[They were the only ones who could produce these items.]

[The Teacher] Precisely. You see, things are different here in the Isles than the are in the Valley. What you experienced today were individuals who are masters in their trades.

[The Teacher] The line doesn't draw there though. No, far from it. There are people who take their skills even higher: Specialists, you might say. And this is the crown jewel of knowledge: getting one of them to share their experience with you. So, for your final task, go find one of these specialists. Do what it takes to learn about their skills, and return to me with the knowledge you gained.

Go out into the world and find a specialization master, and then return to the Teacher with the knowledge you learn from them.

Each class specialization has its own quest. Complete the one of your choosing and return to The Teacher.

Credit to Elecsat for finding the coordinates for each specialization.

Mage Arcanist (-168, 162, 434) Older Magic
Elementalist (200, 85, 1020) What Lies Within
Warrior Berserker (130, 120, 725) A Towering Objective
Guardian (-1780, 143, 366) Guarding the Guarded
Cleric Hierophant (-1500, 93, 655) Healthful Networking
Paladin (-1335, 132, 491) Putrefaction and Purification
Rogue Assassin (-829, 115, 1396) A Simple Favor
Swordsage (-1104, 94, 904) Unyielding Potential
Alchemist Apothecary (-1608, 112, 1017) The Doctor's Orders
Harbinger (202, 68, 508) Death's Swiftness
Scout Hunter (0, 127, 880) An Otherworldly Hunt
Ranger (-1576, 112, 820) Aiming For Success
Warlock Reaper (-864, 95, 1778) Life is of the Essence
Tenebrist (320, 49, 730) Lost in the Dark
Shaman Soothsayer (-752, 86, 1362) A Shaman's Lament
Hexbreaker (-1248 90 1306) A Stroke of Genius

You should probably head back to the Teacher in Mistport to tell him of the knowledge you've learned here.

The Teacher

Coordinates: -1829, 127, 2431

[The Teacher] Ahh, I sense you are much wiser than the last time we spoke! You found a master, didn't you? Please, tell me about your time with them.

You tell the teacher about your adventure.

[The Teacher] I see! How fascinating; I would never have even considered that! Very well, I shall do what needs to be done to remake that building into the great school it once was. That said, your assistance is still needed. I sense that there are still many more masters out there in the world. Search them out and continue to learn what they teach. From that, we may further expand our data bank of knowledge.


Awarded a Skill Specialization Point, access to Specialization Trials, and access to Skill Specializations.